You want to show that you are excited about a particular occasion or opportunity at work.
But is the phrase looking forward to it appropriate to include in a professional email?
In this article, we’ll address that question.
Moreover, we’ll show you how to say looking forward to it in an email using 9 unique alternative phrases.
9 Alternative Ways to Say “Looking Forward to It”
Below, you’ll find 9 synonyms for looking forward to it that you can use at work:
- I am eagerly anticipating it
- I am very excited
- I’m keen
- I am eagerly awaiting
- I am waiting impatiently
- I fondly await
- I’m eager to
- I fondly anticipate
- I await the opportunity
1. I Am Eagerly Anticipating It
If you’re wondering how to say looking forward to it formally, I am eagerly anticipating it is suitable to include in an email to someone that you would like to impress.
Namely, it works well if you have been invited to a job interview and want to make a good first impression on the hiring manager.
This alternative uses professional phrasing but manages to come across as enthusiastic as well.
This is essential, as you want to show the interviewer that you are interested in the role and the company you are applying to!
Therefore, let’s see an email example that includes this phrase:
Dear Miss Chheda,
Thank you for inviting me to this interview, I am eagerly anticipating it.
Kind regards,
Octavia Cohn
2. I Am Very Excited
Perhaps you have already been offered a job at a new organization. In these circumstances, it never hurts to show your excitement over your new role!
Therefore, you can include the phrase I am very excited in your message of thanks to your new employer or the relevant hiring manager.
This phrase isn’t overly formal but comes across as sincere and polite.
Consider the sample email below:
Dear Warren,
Thank you very much for this opportunity.
I am very excited to meet my new team next week.
Kind regards,
Gabourey Patton
3. I’m Keen
You can use the phrase I’m keen in a more casual exchange with a colleague or a fellow professional from another organization.
If you have frequently worked in collaboration with a coworker or a member of another company, you will no doubt have developed a somewhat friendly rapport.
In these circumstances, it makes sense to use less stuffy phrasing in your emails.
For example:
Hi Patience,
Thanks for sending those files over.
I’m keen to discuss this further tomorrow morning.
My best,
4. I Am Eagerly Awaiting
Another way to say looking forward to it using a more formal register is I am eagerly awaiting it.
This phrase would be great ahead of an interview.
However, you can also use it if you have recently made a new connection through networking and would like to start a business relationship with a fellow freelancer or professional.
This synonym will show that you have a real zeal for your business or project.
Moreover, it will show that you are excited to work with the other person, which is always flattering!
Have a look at how we’ve used it in an email sample:
Dear Xosha,
It was a pleasure to meet you and hear your ideas this morning.
I am eagerly awaiting our next opportunity to meet.
Kind regards,
Nealla Gordon
5. I Am Waiting Impatiently
Another good way to show your enthusiasm when you are collaborating with a colleague or fellow professional is to say I am waiting impatiently.
This phrase can be tricky, as you obviously don’t want to sound truly impatient or frustrated.
However, if you keep the overall tone of your email light and positive, it will be clear that you are “impatient” only because of your interest in your shared project.
To see what we mean, consider the example below:
Dear Oscar,
Thank you for such a productive afternoon yesterday.
I am waiting impatiently for our next discussion!
Kind regards,
6. I Fondly Await
If you have recently submitted a job application, you can use the phrase I fondly await to prompt a response from the receiving hiring manager.
This phrase makes it clear that you are very interested in the role and are hoping to hear back from the other person soon.
However, the inclusion of “fondly” makes this message genial rather than pushy.
Let’s see a sample email that includes this phrase:
Dear Angelique,
I am writing to you to reiterate my interest in this role and hopefully receive some greater insight into the various stages of your application process.
I fondly await your response.
Kind regards,
Tanvi Lonkar
7. I’m Eager to
I’m eager to is a slightly less formal but no less professional way to express that you are enthused about a certain work project or event.
You can use this phrase in an email to a fellow professional from another company in order to form a good rapport with them.
This will hopefully create a lasting business relationship between the two of you for the benefit of your respective organizations.
See how we’ve used this alternative in an example:
Dear Himanshu,
Thank you for the confirmation.
I’m eager to meet your talented team of engineers and bring this project to fruition.
All the best,
8. I Fondly Anticipate
Another phrase for looking forward to it is I fondly anticipate.
You can use this phrase when speaking to a connection that you’ve made through networking, either online or at a work event.
This phrase is polite and genial, which works well if you have only recently met the receiver and haven’t had the chance to build a more outwardly friendly rapport with them yet.
In addition, this alternative shows that you respect the other person and are keen to work with them in the future.
Check out the following email example to see this phrase in action:
Dear Jermaine,
It’s been a pleasure to speak with you, and I fondly anticipate our meeting on Thursday.
All the best,
9. I Await the Opportunity
Our final alternative is I await the opportunity, which is a great phrase to use in a tentative email to a member of a company’s recruitment team.
For example, if you are interested in working at a particular organization, it never hurts to reach out to one of its team members to learn more about the company and its recruitment process.
In particular, you can use this phrase to let the receiver know that you would like to receive a prompt response.
Have a look at how we’ve used this phrase in our final example:
Dear Quisha,
I am writing to you as a recent graduate with an interest in your training program.
I await the opportunity to learn more about your company’s application process in this regard.
Jeneva Zutshi
Is It Correct to Say “Looking Forward to It”?
The phrase looking forward to it is a correct, business-casual remark often used to express enthusiasm and excitement in professional settings.
It is suitable to use this phrase in most corporate or business settings, whatever the size of your organization.
Therefore, let’s see a couple of email samples illustrating how you can use this phrase:
Dear Nishka,
I can attend the interview at that time, and I’m looking forward to it.
Kind regards,
Sara Haeyk
Dear Ms. Mittal,
The details of your visit are settled, and, on behalf of the company, we are looking forward to it.
Jane Mouton
Next, we’ll look at a common variation of the phrase looking forward to it and discuss its correctness:
Variation: Saying I look instead of looking
- Correct: I look forward to it.
- Correct: I am looking forward to it.
Both of these variations are correct. However, using the gerund form of “look” means you are looking forward to something presently. Therefore, you should precede it with “I am.”
The normal verb “look” can simply be preceded by the personal pronoun “I.”
Finally, to avoid any embarrassing grammar mistakes in the future, let’s look at a common error people make when using the phrase looking forward to it.
Mistake: Using the preposition “for” instead of “to”
- Incorrect: Looking forward for it.
- Correct: Looking forward to it.
The proposition “for” implies that you are specifying the reason why you are literally “looking forward.” Therefore, it wouldn’t work in this figurative phrase.
So, we know that the phrase looking forward to it is correct and used commonly in professional emails. However, it may come across as a tad standardized.
Therefore, you can use our list of synonyms to mix up your phrasing and show your uniqueness at work.