What Is Another Way to Say “Stuck Out”?

Looking for synonyms for stuck out? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say stuck out.

  • Protruded
  • Jutted
  • Extended
  • Projected
  • Bulged
  • Overhung
  • Poked out
  • Thrust out
  • Stood out
  • Obtruded
  • Peeped
  • Emerged
  • Extruded
  • Swelled
  • Puffed out
  • Hung over
  • Overshadowed
  • Loomed
  • Towered
  • Dominated

Want to learn how to say stuck out professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Protruded

Appropriate Use: Something that extends beyond or above a surface.
Example: “The new architectural design featured beams that protruded beyond the building’s facade.”

2. Jutted

Appropriate Use: Stuck out sharply.
Example: “A section of the sculpture jutted into the walkway, creating an interesting visual effect.”

3. Extended

Appropriate Use: Stretched out or spread out over an area.
Example: “The company’s logo extended across the entire length of the billboard.”

4. Projected

Appropriate Use: Stuck out or protruded.
Example: “The balcony projected over the street, providing a panoramic view of the city.”

5. Bulged

Appropriate Use: Swelled or stuck out.
Example: “The sides of the packed shipping box bulged, indicating it was overfilled.”

6. Overhung

Appropriate Use: Extended over something’s edge.
Example: “A large tree branch overhung the roof of the house, creating a risk during storms.”

7. Poked Out

Appropriate Use: Extended beyond the surrounding area.
Example: “The flash drive poked out from the side of the laptop, easily noticeable.”

8. Thrust Out

Appropriate Use: Pushed or extended outward.
Example: “The sign thrust out from the wall, making it visible from a distance.”

9. Stood Out

Appropriate Use: Noticeably different from something else.
Example: “Her innovative design stood out among the competition in the exhibition.”

10. Obtruded

Appropriate Use: Became noticeable in an unwelcome or intrusive way.
Example: “The air conditioning unit obtruded from the window, spoiling the aesthetic of the building’s exterior.”

11. Peeped

Appropriate Use: Appeared slightly from behind or under something.
Example: “The cat’s tail peeped out from under the sofa.”

12. Emerged

Appropriate Use: Came out into view.
Example: “The prototype model emerged from the workshop, ready for its first test.”

13. Extruded

Appropriate Use: Thrust or pushed out.
Example: “The machine extruded plastic parts that were used in the manufacturing process.”

14. Swelled

Appropriate Use: Became larger or rounder in size.
Example: “The river swelled over its banks during the heavy rainstorm.”

15. Puffed Out

Appropriate Use: Swollen or expanded.
Example: “The sails puffed out as the wind picked up speed.”

16. Hung Over

Appropriate Use: Extended over the edge of something.
Example: “The large tree hung over the fence, its leaves creating a natural canopy.”

17. Overshadowed

Appropriate Use: Stood out in a way that overshadowed others.
Example: “The skyscraper overshadowed the surrounding buildings in the downtown skyline.”

18. Loomed

Appropriate Use: Appeared as a large or threatening shape.
Example: “The new corporate headquarters building loomed over the small park.”

19. Towered

Appropriate Use: Stood out due to great height.
Example: “The ancient oak tree towered above the rest in the forest.”

20. Dominated

Appropriate Use: Stood out as being the most noticeable or important.
Example: “The company’s newest product dominated the display at the trade show.”

Linda Brown