What Is Another Way to Say “Took On”?

Looking for synonyms for took on? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say took on.

  • Undertook
  • Assumed
  • Accepted
  • Embarked on
  • Engaged in
  • Shouldered
  • Tackled
  • Confronted
  • Adopted
  • Embraced
  • Addressed
  • Managed
  • Handled
  • Dealt with
  • Committed to
  • Entered into
  • Took up
  • Faced
  • Approached
  • Grappled with

Want to learn how to say took on professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Undertook

Appropriate Use: To commit oneself to and begin a task or responsibility.
Example: “She undertook the responsibility of leading the new marketing initiative.”

2. Assumed

Appropriate Use: To take on a particular responsibility or role.
Example: “He assumed the role of project manager for the upcoming development project.”

3. Accepted

Appropriate Use: To agree to take something that is offered.
Example: “The team accepted the challenge of meeting the tight deadline.”

4. Embarked on

Appropriate Use: To start a new project or undertaking.
Example: “We’ve embarked on a venture to expand our services globally.”

5. Engaged in

Appropriate Use: To participate or become involved in an activity.
Example: “The company has engaged in efforts to improve its environmental sustainability.”

6. Shouldered

Appropriate Use: To take on a burden or responsibility.
Example: “She shouldered the responsibility of turning the struggling department around.”

7. Tackled

Appropriate Use: To deal with a task or problem.
Example: “The team tackled the complex issue with innovative solutions.”

8. Confronted

Appropriate Use: To face up to and deal with a problem or difficult situation.
Example: “The manager confronted the budget discrepancies head-on.”

9. Adopted

Appropriate Use: To take up or start to use or follow a method or course of action.
Example: “The department adopted a new approach to improve workflow efficiency.”

10. Embraced

Appropriate Use: To eagerly accept or adopt an idea or change.
Example: “The company embraced new technologies to stay ahead in the market.”

11. Addressed

Appropriate Use: To think about a problem or situation and begin to deal with it.
Example: “He addressed the client’s concerns during the meeting.”

12. Managed

Appropriate Use: To be in charge of or handle a situation or task.
Example: “She successfully managed the project from inception to completion.”

13. Handled

Appropriate Use: To deal with or take responsibility for a situation.
Example: “The crisis was expertly handled by the emergency response team.”

14. Dealt with

Appropriate Use: To take action to do something, especially to solve a problem.
Example: “The HR department dealt with the recruitment challenges effectively.”

15. Committed to

Appropriate Use: To pledge or bind oneself to a certain course of action.
Example: “The team committed to delivering high-quality results under pressure.”

16. Entered into

Appropriate Use: To start or become involved in an activity or agreement.
Example: “The company entered into a partnership with a leading tech firm.”

17. Took up

Appropriate Use: To begin to hold or fulfill a position or task.
Example: “He took up his position as the new CEO last month.”

18. Faced

Appropriate Use: To confront and deal with a situation.
Example: “The company faced financial difficulties with a strategic restructuring plan.”

19. Approached

Appropriate Use: To come near or nearer to something in distance or time.
Example: “She approached the new project with a mix of enthusiasm and caution.”

20. Grappled with

Appropriate Use: To engage in a struggle or task.
Example: “The team grappled with various challenges during the software development.”

Linda Brown