What Is Another Way to Say “Time-Consuming”?

Looking for synonyms for time-consuming? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say time-consuming.

  • Labor-intensive
  • Lengthy
  • Prolonged
  • Tedious
  • Long-drawn-out
  • Arduous
  • Protracted
  • Drawn-out
  • Time-intensive
  • Extensive
  • Long-winded
  • Tiresome
  • Demanding
  • Long
  • Exhausting
  • Long-lasting
  • Cumbersome
  • Slow
  • Dragging
  • Wearisome

Want to learn how to say time-consuming professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Labor-intensive

Labor-intensive is used for tasks requiring a large amount of work or effort.
Example: “Compiling the annual report is a labor-intensive process.”

2. Lengthy

Lengthy is suitable for activities that take a long time to complete.
Example: “The lengthy approval process delayed the project’s initiation.”

3. Prolonged

Prolonged is used for something that continues for an extended period of time.
Example: “The prolonged negotiations impacted the timeline of the merger.”

4. Tedious

Tedious is appropriate for tasks that are boring and too long.
Example: “The tedious task of data entry required exceptional attention to detail.”

5. Long-drawn-out

Long-drawn-out is used for processes or discussions that take excessively long to conclude.
Example: “The long-drawn-out audit process strained the company’s resources.”

6. Arduous

Arduous is suitable for tasks that are extremely difficult and tiring.
Example: “Completing the research was an arduous journey.”

7. Protracted

Protracted is used for something that is drawn out or made longer than necessary.
Example: “The protracted development phase put pressure on the product’s launch date.”

8. Drawn-out

Drawn-out is appropriate for situations that extend over a long period.
Example: “The drawn-out legal proceedings affected the company’s operations.”

9. Time-intensive

Time-intensive is used for tasks that require a significant amount of time.
Example: “Quality control in manufacturing is a time-intensive process.”

10. Extensive

Extensive is suitable for activities that are broad or involve a lot of detail.
Example: “The extensive training program prepared employees for various scenarios.”

11. Long-winded

Long-winded is used for speeches or writing that are too long and tedious.
Example: “The long-winded presentation lost the audience’s interest.”

12. Tiresome

Tiresome is appropriate for tasks that cause one to feel tired or bored.
Example: “The tiresome process of documentation was necessary for compliance.”

13. Demanding

Demanding is used for tasks that require a lot of skill, effort, or attention.
Example: “Managing multiple projects simultaneously is quite demanding.”

14. Long

Long is a simple term for something that takes a lot of time.
Example: “The long review process ensured the thoroughness of the report.”

15. Exhausting

Exhausting is suitable for tasks that cause extreme tiredness.
Example: “The exhausting schedule led to the need for additional staff.”

16. Long-lasting

Long-lasting is used for something that continues for a great length of time.
Example: “The long-lasting impact of the marketing campaign was impressive.”

17. Cumbersome

Cumbersome is appropriate for tasks that are complicated and difficult to handle.
Example: “The cumbersome procedure for software installation is being streamlined.”

18. Slow

Slow is used for processes or activities that proceed at a less than satisfactory speed.
Example: “The slow progress in the project was due to unforeseen technical issues.”

19. Dragging

Dragging is suitable for something that seems to proceed too slowly.
Example: “The dragging pace of the network upgrade was frustrating for the IT team.”

20. Wearisome

Wearisome is used for tasks that cause one to feel very tired or bored.
Example: “The wearisome process of compliance checks was critical for maintaining standards.”

Linda Brown