What Is Another Way to Say “Table of Contents”?

Looking for synonyms for table of contents? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say table of contents.

  • Contents
  • Index
  • List of Contents
  • Contents Page
  • Chapters List
  • Menu
  • Outline
  • Content List
  • Summary of Contents
  • Agenda
  • Content Overview
  • Chapters Index
  • Program
  • Syllabus
  • Schedule

Want to learn how to say table of contents professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Contents

Used to refer to a list of chapters and sections in a book or document.
Example: “Please refer to the contents at the beginning of the book for the chapter titles.”

2. Index

Appropriate for a detailed list, usually alphabetical, of the specific information in a publication.
Example: “You can find the topics covered in the report in the index at the end.”

3. List of Contents

Refers to a comprehensive enumeration of the contents of a book or document.
Example: “The manual begins with a detailed list of contents for easy navigation.”

4. Contents Page

Indicates the page in a book or document where the list of contents is found.
Example: “Check the contents page to locate the various sections of the thesis.”

5. Chapters List

Suitable for a listing of chapters, particularly in books and substantial reports.
Example: “The chapters list at the front of the book provides an overview of the topics discussed.”

Used primarily in digital content to refer to a list of options or contents.
Example: “The website’s menu allows easy access to all articles and resources.”

7. Outline

Refers to a general description or plan showing the essential features of something without detail.
Example: “The training guide starts with an outline of each module’s contents.”

8. Content List

Appropriate for listing the main subjects or topics covered in a publication.
Example: “Refer to the content list to find the specific articles in the magazine.”

9. Summary of Contents

Indicates a brief representation of what is contained in a document or book.
Example: “The summary of contents gives you a quick overview of the report’s structure.”

10. Agenda

Used in the context of meetings and events to list topics or items to be discussed.
Example: “Please review the agenda to see the topics we will cover in today’s meeting.”

11. Content Overview

Suitable for providing a general review of what is included in a document.
Example: “The first page of the document includes a content overview.”

12. Chapters Index

Refers to an organized list of chapters, often found in textbooks or reference books.
Example: “The chapters index will guide you to the specific sections you are looking for.”

13. Program

Used in the context of events or broadcasts to list sequences or features.
Example: “The conference program details all the sessions and their timings.”

14. Syllabus

Appropriate for educational content, listing subjects or topics to be covered in a course.
Example: “The course syllabus outlines all the modules and their respective contents.”

15. Schedule

Indicates a plan for carrying out a process or procedure, listing its different stages.
Example: “You will find the timeline and activities in the project schedule.”

Linda Brown