What Is Another Way to Say “Small Amount”?

Looking for synonyms for small amount? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say small amount.

  • Modicum
  • Bit
  • Smidgen
  • Trifle
  • Speck
  • Dab
  • Drop
  • Dash
  • Pinch
  • Sliver
  • Fragment
  • Scrap
  • Morsel
  • Tad
  • Shred
  • Whisper
  • Grain
  • Flicker
  • Glimmer
  • Touch

Want to learn how to say small amount professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Modicum

Use “modicum” to describe a small quantity of something, especially something valuable or desirable.
Example: There’s only a modicum of truth in those reports.

2. Bit

“Bit” is suitable for a small amount or piece of something.
Example: We’ve seen a bit of improvement in the sales figures this quarter.

3. Smidgen

Use “smidgen” for a very small amount or part of something.
Example: Add just a smidgen of salt to the mixture.

4. Trifle

“Trifle” is used for a small quantity, often implying something of little importance.
Example: There’s only a trifle amount of data supporting that hypothesis.

5. Speck

Use “speck” to describe a tiny amount or a very small piece.
Example: There was just a speck of evidence to investigate further.

6. Dab

“Dab” is suitable for a small amount, typically of a cream or liquid.
Example: Apply a dab of lubricant to the mechanism.

7. Drop

Use “drop” for a very small amount of liquid.
Example: Just add a drop of oil to the mixture.

8. Dash

“Dash” is used for adding a very small amount of an ingredient.
Example: A dash of vinegar can enhance the flavor.

9. Pinch

Use “pinch” for a very small amount of a powdered or granulated substance, typically taken between the thumb and forefinger.
Example: Add a pinch of salt to the recipe.

10. Sliver

“Sliver” is suitable for a small, thin piece or amount of something.
Example: A sliver of data could change the outcome of the research.

11. Fragment

Use “fragment” to describe a small part broken off from something.
Example: Only a fragment of the original document was recovered.

12. Scrap

“Scrap” is used for a small piece or amount of something, especially one that is left over.
Example: Compile all the scraps of evidence we have so far.

13. Morsel

Use “morsel” for a small piece or amount, especially of food.
Example: Every morsel of information is crucial to our analysis.

14. Tad

“Tad” is a colloquial term for a small amount or degree of something.
Example: The project needs just a tad more work to be perfect.

15. Shred

Use “shred” for a small amount, especially of something abstract like evidence.
Example: There’s not a shred of doubt in my mind about the viability of this plan.

16. Whisper

“Whisper” is suitable for a very small amount or hint of something.
Example: There’s a whisper of risk involved in the investment.

17. Grain

Use “grain” to describe a very small piece, often of sand or salt.
Example: A grain of truth is often found in every rumor.

18. Flicker

“Flicker” is used for a small, brief, or intermittent amount or sign of something.
Example: There’s only a flicker of hope that the project will be finished on time.

19. Glimmer

Use “glimmer” for a small sign or amount of something, suggesting a faint but persistent hope or possibility.
Example: There’s a glimmer of opportunity in this challenging situation.

20. Touch

“Touch” is suitable for a small amount, often implying a slight addition or influence.
Example: Just a touch of marketing could make a big difference in product sales.

Linda Brown