What Is Another Way to Say “It Was Nice Talking To You”?

You’ve just had a very fruitful discussion, and you’d like to send an email to follow up on it. But is it suitable to use the phrase it was nice talking to you in your work correspondence?

We’ll address this question below. Moreover, we’ll show you how to say it was nice talking to you professionally using some great alternative phrases.

10 Alternative Ways to Say “It Was Nice Talking to You”

Below, you’ll find 10 examples showing how to say you enjoyed talking to someone in an email:

  • I greatly enjoyed our discussion
  • Following our conversation
  • Thanks for meeting with me
  • It was a pleasure to meet you
  • It was lovely to catch up
  • Thank you for such an enlightening conversation
  • I appreciate the chat
  • Thanks for getting in touch with me
  • I’ve been considering what we spoke about
  • Thank you for a good meeting

1. I Greatly Enjoyed Our Discussion

I greatly enjoyed our discussion is a polite yet professional way to start an email following a good conversation.

You can use this phrase when you’ve recently made a new connection and you’re looking to develop a professional relationship with them.

This phrase is friendly and will let the recipient know that you are excited about the prospect of collaborating with them. However, it is still formal enough to keep things strictly business.

Therefore, let’s see an email example making use of this phrase:

Dear Tory,

I greatly enjoyed our discussion today, and I would be very keen to get together again soon.

All the best,

2. Following Our Conversation

You can use following our conversation in a formal email to a client.

This phrase maintains a suitably polite tone for when you’re talking to someone from outside your company. Moreover, you can use it to circle back to a previous discussion from a call or meeting earlier in the week.

Consider how we’ve used this phrase in a sample email:

Dear Mr. Tormund,

I wanted to reach out following our conversation yesterday and update you on your account.

Please see the attachment below.

Yours sincerely,
Amanda Kyle

3. Thanks for Meeting With Me

Thanks for meeting with me is a polite email opening that you can use when speaking to a colleague at work.

The use of “thanks” as opposed to “thank you” makes this phrase a touch informal, but it’s still perfectly appropriate for an email to an equal at work.

Moreover, it will still be suitable even if you don’t know this particular colleague very well yet.

Check out the following email example:

Dear Carley,

Thanks for meeting with me earlier.

I found your suggestions very helpful.

All the best,

4. It Was a Pleasure to Meet You

If you’ve recently onboarded a new client on behalf of your company, it’s a good idea to follow up with them in an email.

You can start your email with the polite and sincere phrase, it was a pleasure to meet you. This phrase is best suited for someone who is still a stranger but whom you’d like to get to know more in a business capacity.

For instance:

Dear Miss Till,

It was a pleasure to meet you the other day.

I have considered your specifications and drafted a few potential logos for you to consider.

Warm regards,

5. It Was Lovely to Catch Up

It was lovely to catch up is a very friendly and familiar phrase that you can use in a text message to a friend or even a former colleague.

Obviously, it would only work in a situation where you already know a person fairly well but have recently had the chance to reconnect.

See the example below:

Hi Luce,

It was lovely to catch up this morning.

We should make a habit of it!

6. Thank You for Such an Enlightening Conversation

Perhaps you’re more of an academic! If so, it can be truly delightful to come across someone with an interest in your field.

So, you can use the phrase thank you for such an enlightening conversation when you’ve had a good chat with a colleague, or perhaps a student, and you want to express your appreciation.

This phrase is suitably formal to maintain a professional tone. However, it is also very enthusiastic. Therefore, they’ll be sure to bless you with their insights again in the future!

Let’s see a nice email sample with this phase included:

Dear Chimamanda,

Thank you for such an enlightening conversation earlier.

I have attached some papers below and I’d be eager to hear what you think.

Warm regards,
Professor Robert Craft

7. I Appreciate the Chat

You can use the phrase I appreciate the chat in a message to a friend or a co-worker you are close to.

This is a very casual phrase, so it wouldn’t be appropriate in a business email or an email to a superior. However, if you have a friendly dynamic at your office, there’s usually no need for too much formality in your correspondence.

Therefore, let’s see an example making use of this phrase:

Hi Amara,

I appreciate the chat we had on the phone yesterday.

Your suggestions were very helpful.


8. Thanks for Getting in Touch With Me

You can say thanks for getting in touch with me to follow up after a phone call with someone.

For instance, you can use this phrase to thank a co-worker if they have reached out to respond to your questions or concerns about a project. It is suitably polite and formal enough for an exchange with an equal.

However, a more formal phrase would be preferred if you were talking to a client or a superior.

Have a look at the email sample below:

Dear Morgan,

Thanks for getting in touch with me over the phone yesterday.

I managed to solve the issue fairly quickly with the help of your suggestions.

All the best,

9. I’ve Been Considering What We Spoke About

If you’re in the midst of a long-term project assigned by your employer, you can use the phrase I’ve been considering what we spoke about to refer back to a previous discussion.

This is a very tonally neutral phrase, so you can use it regardless of the nature of your relationship with the recipient.

For example:

Dear Joy,

I’ve been considering what we spoke about on Wednesday, and I think I can redraft the ad to widen our potential audience.


10. Thank You for a Good Meeting

If you’re the boss of your organization, you can use the phrase thank you for a good meeting in a message to one or more of your team members or employees.

This is a good phrase to use in a corporate workplace, as it is both polite and professional. Moreover, you can use it to circle back to a topic that was brought up in the meeting for further discussion.

To see what we mean, check out the email example below:

Dear Team,

Thank you for a good meeting this afternoon.

I’d like to talk more about our idea for the June event, so please make some time on your schedules tomorrow for a discussion.

All the best,

Is It Correct to Say “It Was Nice Talking to You”?

It is correct to say it was nice talking to you in an email, so long as you had a verbal conversation with the recipient earlier on. For instance, you can use it in a follow-up email after a meeting, a phone call, or a casual, in-person conversation.

Therefore, let’s look at how you can use this phrase in a couple of email examples:

Dear Molly,

It was nice talking to you yesterday, and I’d be keen to talk more about the strategy ideas you came up with.

Let’s set up a meeting in the coming days.

All the best,

Dear Jake,

It was nice talking to you over the phone this morning, and I would love to meet in person to discuss our plans in more detail.

Let me know when would suit you.


Next, we’ll look at some common variations of this phrase and discuss how correct they are:

Variation 1: Using To talk instead of Talking

  • Correct: It was nice to talk to you.
  • Correct: It was nice talking to you.

It is perfectly correct to replace talking with to talk in this phrase. In this context, the overall meaning of the phrase won’t change.

Variation 2: Using With instead of To

  • Correct: It was nice talking with you
  • Correct: It was nice talking to you.

Once again, you can use with and to interchangeably, as the overall sentence stays the same.

Although, it was nice talking to you is a correct and effective phrase, it is used pretty commonly and may come across as a bit standardized.

If you want to mix up your language from time to time, you can use one of the alternative phrases in our list.

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