What Is Another Way to Say “Self-Critical”?

Looking for synonyms for self-critical? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say self-critical.

  • Self-analytical
  • Self-reflective
  • Self-aware
  • Introspective
  • Self-examining
  • Self-scrutinizing
  • Self-assessing
  • Self-questioning
  • Self-doubting
  • Self-conscious
  • Self-judgmental
  • Self-censuring
  • Self-reproachful
  • Self-disparaging
  • Self-deprecating

Want to learn how to say self-critical professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Self-analytical

Appropriate Use: Suitable in contexts where thorough self-examination and understanding are emphasized.
Example: He is highly self-analytical, always assessing his own performance in team projects.

2. Self-reflective

Appropriate Use: Ideal for situations where thoughtful consideration of one’s actions and behaviors is highlighted.
Example: Her self-reflective approach has led to significant personal growth in her career.

3. Self-aware

Appropriate Use: Used in contexts emphasizing awareness of one’s own strengths and weaknesses.
Example: Being self-aware helps him adapt his leadership style to different team dynamics.

4. Introspective

Appropriate Use: Suitable for deep and contemplative examination of one’s own thoughts and feelings.
Example: She takes an introspective approach to understand her motivations in decision-making.

5. Self-examining

Appropriate Use: Refers to the process of critically analyzing oneself, often in a professional or personal development context.
Example: Regular self-examining is part of her routine to improve her professional skills.

6. Self-scrutinizing

Appropriate Use: Ideal for situations where one rigorously evaluates their own actions or decisions.
Example: His self-scrutinizing nature ensures he learns from each project he undertakes.

7. Self-assessing

Appropriate Use: Used when one evaluates their own abilities or performance, typically in a work or learning environment.
Example: Self-assessing her progress helps her identify areas for improvement in her role.

8. Self-questioning

Appropriate Use: Suitable for situations where one actively questions and challenges their own beliefs and methods.
Example: Through self-questioning, she often discovers innovative solutions to complex problems.

9. Self-doubting

Appropriate Use: Used in contexts where an individual frequently questions their own abilities or decisions, often negatively.
Example: His tendency towards self-doubting sometimes hinders his ability to make quick decisions.

10. Self-conscious

Appropriate Use: Refers to being overly aware and sometimes anxious about how one is perceived by others.
Example: Being self-conscious about public speaking, she took extra courses to improve her skills.

11. Self-judgmental

Appropriate Use: Used when someone is overly critical of their own actions or decisions.
Example: She is often self-judgmental, which drives her to strive for perfection in her work.

12. Self-censuring

Appropriate Use: Suitable for contexts where an individual is harshly critical of themselves, often regretting their actions or choices.
Example: His self-censuring attitude after the failed project led to significant personal reflection and growth.

13. Self-reproachful

Appropriate Use: Used when an individual feels a strong sense of guilt or blame towards themselves.
Example: She was self-reproachful about the oversight, despite it being a minor error.

14. Self-disparaging

Appropriate Use: Refers to belittling or undervaluing oneself, often in a professional context.
Example: Despite his success, he remains self-disparaging about his achievements.

15. Self-deprecating

Appropriate Use: Often used humorously or modestly to downplay one’s abilities or achievements.
Example: His self-deprecating humor makes him approachable despite his high position.

Linda Brown