What Is Another Way to Say “Result In”?

Looking for synonyms for result in? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say result in.

  • Lead to
  • Cause
  • Produce
  • Bring about
  • Generate
  • Yield
  • Culminate in
  • Effect
  • Give rise to
  • Induce
  • Prompt
  • Engender
  • Spawn
  • Trigger
  • Create
  • Provoke
  • Beget
  • Elicit
  • Breed
  • Precipitate

Want to learn how to say result in professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Lead to

Use when one action or event directly causes another.
Example: “Increased investment in research and development can lead to innovative products.”

2. Cause

Appropriate for a direct relationship where one factor produces an effect.
Example: “Lack of communication can cause delays in project completion.”

3. Produce

Used when an action or process brings about a result.
Example: “Effective training programs produce more competent employees.”

4. Bring about

Ideal for causing something to happen.
Example: “Strategic planning can bring about significant improvements in efficiency.”

5. Generate

Use when creating a result, often used in the context of producing ideas, energy, or power.
Example: “The new marketing campaign generated a lot of interest among consumers.”

6. Yield

Appropriate for producing a result, benefit, or profit.
Example: “The company’s new strategy yielded a 20% increase in sales.”

7. Culminate in

Used for describing a process or series of events that lead to a particular result.
Example: “Years of hard work culminated in a groundbreaking discovery.”

8. Effect

Ideal for bringing something about as a result.
Example: “The policy changes effected a significant shift in the company’s culture.”

9. Give rise to

Use when one thing causes another thing to happen or exist.
Example: “The innovative design gave rise to a new era in technology.”

10. Induce

Appropriate for causing something to happen or arise.
Example: “The new tax laws may induce changes in business strategies.”

11. Prompt

Used for causing or bringing about an action or feeling.
Example: “The customer feedback prompted a review of our service policy.”

12. Engender

Ideal for causing a feeling, situation, or condition to exist.
Example: “Trust and transparency engender a positive workplace culture.”

13. Spawn

Use when giving rise to something, often new or innovative.
Example: “The success of the product spawned a series of similar projects.”

14. Trigger

Appropriate for causing a reaction or process to start.
Example: “The economic downturn triggered a series of cost-cutting measures.”

15. Create

Used for bringing something into existence.
Example: “The merger will create new opportunities for growth and expansion.”

16. Provoke

Ideal for eliciting a reaction, often used in the context of provoking thought or discussion.
Example: “The CEO’s statement provoked a lot of discussion within the industry.”

17. Beget

Use when one thing causes another thing to happen, often used in more formal contexts.
Example: “Hard work often begets success in one’s career.”

18. Elicit

Appropriate for drawing out a response or reaction.
Example: “The presentation elicited positive responses from the audience.”

19. Breed

Used metaphorically for causing something to develop or flourish.
Example: “Innovation breeds success in competitive markets.”

20. Precipitate

Ideal for causing something to happen suddenly or sooner than expected.
Example: “The scandal precipitated the resignation of the CEO.”

Linda Brown