What Is Another Way to Say “Right Back at You”?

Looking for synonyms for right back at you? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say right back at you.

  • Same to you
  • Ditto
  • Right back to you
  • Likewise
  • You too
  • The same to you
  • Back at you
  • And to you
  • Echoing your sentiments
  • The feeling is mutual
  • In return
  • Similarly
  • Reciprocally
  • Just the same
  • And the same to you

Want to learn how to say right back at you professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Same to You

Used in a friendly, informal response, often reciprocating a greeting or a compliment.

Example: “When his colleague wished him a good weekend, he smiled and replied, ‘Same to you!’”

2. Ditto

A casual and brief way to agree with someone or return a sentiment.

Example: “After receiving congratulations on his promotion, he responded with a smile, ‘Ditto!’ to his teammate.”

3. Right Back to You

Similar to “right back at you,” used to return a sentiment or comment.

Example: “In response to her ‘well done’ on the project completion, he said, ‘Right back to you, you were great as well.’”

4. Likewise

A formal and polite way to reciprocate a sentiment or greeting.

Example: “When his client said, ‘Pleasure working with you,’ he responded warmly, ‘Likewise.’”

5. You Too

Commonly used in informal conversations to reciprocate a sentiment or wish.

Example: “After her colleague wished her a good holiday, she responded with a cheerful, ‘You too!’”

6. The Same to You

A respectful and slightly more formal way to return a sentiment.

Example: “When his mentor wished him success, he gratefully replied, ‘The same to you.’”

7. Back at You

An informal, friendly way to reciprocate a sentiment, often in casual or light-hearted exchanges.

Example: “He cheerfully responded with ‘Back at you!’ when his coworker complimented his presentation skills.”

8. And to You

A polite and formal way to return a sentiment or greeting.

Example: “Upon receiving a ‘Happy New Year’ from his boss, he replied, ‘And to you, sir.’”

9. Echoing Your Sentiments

Used in more formal or serious contexts to show agreement or shared feelings.

Example: “In the meeting, he nodded and said, ‘Echoing your sentiments, I also believe this strategy will work.’”

10. The Feeling is Mutual

Used to express that the sentiment or opinion is shared.

Example: “When praised for his teamwork, he replied, ‘The feeling is mutual, everyone played their part.’”

11. In Return

A formal way to reciprocate a sentiment, often used in written communication.

Example: “In her thank-you note, she wrote, ‘I appreciate your kind words and extend my best wishes in return.’”

12. Similarly

Used in formal or professional contexts to express agreement or reciprocate a sentiment.

Example: “During the toast, he said, ‘Similarly, I wish everyone here continued success.’”

13. Reciprocally

A formal and explicit way of indicating that the sentiment is returned in the same manner.

Example: “In his farewell speech, he expressed, ‘I have valued our collaboration and, reciprocally, wish you all the best.’”

14. Just the Same

Used to agree or reciprocate a sentiment in an informal, friendly manner.

Example: “When his partner in the project wished him luck, he responded, ‘Thanks, just the same to you!’”

15. And the Same to You

Used to return a greeting or sentiment, often in a polite and slightly formal tone.

Example: “As his client expressed appreciation for his hard work, he smiled and said, ‘And the same to you.’”

Linda Brown