What Is Another Way to Say “Put Back”?

Looking for synonyms for put back? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say put back.

  • Replace
  • Restore
  • Return
  • Reinstall
  • Reposition
  • Reset
  • Rearrange
  • Reestablish
  • Revert
  • Recycle
  • Reinsert
  • Relocate
  • Redeposit
  • Remit
  • Refund

Want to learn how to say put back professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Replace

Use “replace” when an item is being put back in its original position or substituted with another.
Example: After the presentation, ensure to replace the projector in the conference room.

2. Restore

“Restore” is suitable when returning something to its original state or condition.
Example: The IT department will restore the system to its previous settings after the update.

3. Return

Use “return” when an item is being put back to a person or location.
Example: Please return the borrowed files to the records department by end of day.

4. Reinstall

“Reinstall” is appropriate for putting back software or equipment that was previously removed.
Example: After the hardware upgrade, we need to reinstall all the necessary software applications.

5. Reposition

Use “reposition” when an item is being moved back to a specific position or alignment.
Example: The marketing materials need to be repositioned on the display to maximize visibility.

6. Reset

“Reset” is used when restoring equipment or devices to their original settings or state.
Example: After testing the new features, reset the device to its factory settings.

7. Rearrange

Use “rearrange” when items are being put back in a different order or layout for improvement.
Example: We need to rearrange the office furniture to accommodate the new team members.

8. Reestablish

“Reestablish” is suitable for restoring previous conditions, relationships, or procedures.
Example: The company aims to reestablish its supply chain protocols to pre-pandemic efficiency levels.

9. Revert

Use “revert” when going back to a previous state, policy, or procedure.
Example: After considering the feedback, we will revert to the original project timeline.

10. Recycle

“Recycle” is appropriate for putting materials back into use through a process of recovery and transformation.
Example: Ensure to recycle the used paper by placing it in the designated bins.

11. Reinsert

Use “reinsert” when putting an item back into its previous position or location, especially if it was removed or taken out.
Example: After the data update, reinsert the drives into the server.

12. Relocate

“Relocate” is used when moving items back to a different location or to their original place.
Example: The documents were temporarily moved for the audit and now need to be relocated to their original cabinets.

13. Redeposit

Use “redeposit” in financial contexts when funds are being placed back into an account.
Example: The returned funds will be redeposited into your account within 3-5 business days.

14. Remit

“Remit” is suitable for the return or payment of money, often in a formal or legal context.
Example: The overcharged amount will be remitted back to your account.

15. Refund

Use “refund” when money is being returned to a person or entity, typically for returned goods or services.
Example: The customer service department will process your refund once the returned item is received.

Linda Brown