What Is Another Way to Say “Good Friend”?

Looking for synonyms for good friend? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say good friend.

  • Close companion
  • Trusted confidant
  • Loyal friend
  • Best friend
  • Dear friend
  • Faithful ally
  • True friend
  • Cherished friend
  • Supportive friend
  • Kindred spirit
  • Bosom friend
  • Lifelong friend
  • Amiable companion
  • Steadfast friend
  • Devoted pal
  • Reliable friend
  • Constant companion
  • Comrade
  • Soul mate
  • Affectionate friend

Want to learn how to say good friend professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Close Companion

When to Use: Ideal for describing a friend who is consistently near and involved in one’s life.
Example: “During my years at the company, I found a close companion in my colleague, with whom I shared both challenges and successes.”

2. Trusted Confidant

When to Use: Suitable for a friend who is trusted with personal or sensitive information.
Example: “In difficult times, it’s invaluable to have a trusted confidant in the workplace to discuss concerns with.”

3. Loyal Friend

When to Use: Best for a friend who remains faithful and supportive in all circumstances.
Example: “A loyal friend at work is someone who stands by you during both achievements and setbacks.”

4. Best Friend

When to Use: Appropriate for the closest and most important friend in one’s life.
Example: “My best friend, who also happens to be my coworker, has been instrumental in my professional growth.”

5. Dear Friend

When to Use: Suitable for a friend who is deeply valued and cherished.
Example: “I consider my mentor not just a guide but a dear friend who has greatly influenced my career path.”

6. Faithful Ally

When to Use: Ideal for a friend who is consistently supportive and reliable, especially in challenging situations.
Example: “Having a faithful ally in the office can make navigating complex projects much more manageable.”

7. True Friend

When to Use: Best for a friend who is genuinely supportive and trustworthy.
Example: “A true friend in your professional network is someone who supports your ambitions without envy.”

8. Cherished Friend

When to Use: Appropriate for a friend who is greatly loved and valued.
Example: “My cherished friend in the industry has been a source of wisdom and encouragement for years.”

9. Supportive Friend

When to Use: Suitable for a friend who provides emotional or practical support.
Example: “Every challenging phase at work was made easier by the presence of a supportive friend.”

10. Kindred Spirit

When to Use: Ideal for a friend with whom one has a deep affinity, often sharing similar interests or values.
Example: “Finding a kindred spirit in your field can lead to fruitful collaborations and shared successes.”

11. Bosom Friend

When to Use: Best for a very close and intimate friend.
Example: “My bosom friend from my first job remains an integral part of my professional network.”

12. Lifelong Friend

When to Use: Appropriate for a friend who has been close for most of one’s life.
Example: “My lifelong friend, whom I met during my internship, has been a constant in my evolving career.”

13. Amiable Companion

When to Use: Suitable for a friend known for their pleasant and friendly disposition.
Example: “Working alongside an amiable companion makes even the most mundane tasks enjoyable.”

14. Steadfast Friend

When to Use: Ideal for a friend who is unwaveringly loyal and constant.
Example: “In the competitive world of business, a steadfast friend is a rare and invaluable asset.”

15. Devoted Pal

When to Use: Best for a friend who shows strong dedication and commitment to one’s well-being.
Example: “A devoted pal in your workplace can often be your greatest advocate and supporter.”

16. Reliable Friend

When to Use: Appropriate for a friend who can be consistently depended upon.
Example: “A reliable friend in your professional circle is someone you can count on for honest advice and feedback.”

17. Constant Companion

When to Use: Suitable for a friend who is always present and dependable.
Example: “My constant companion during my career journey has been a colleague who started as an intern with me.”

18. Comrade

When to Use: Ideal for a friend who shares a common experience or struggle, often in a work or career context.
Example: “The camaraderie with a comrade at work can create a strong bond forged through shared challenges.”

19. Soul Mate

When to Use: Best for a deeply connected friend, often implying a profound understanding and compatibility.
Example: “Finding a soul mate in your career field can lead to extraordinary teamwork and understanding.”

20. Affectionate Friend

When to Use: Appropriate for a friend who shows warmth and fondness.
Example: “An affectionate friend at the workplace can brighten your day and boost team morale.”

Linda Brown