What Is Another Way to Say “Pass Out”?

Looking for synonyms for pass out? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say pass out.

  • Faint
  • Collapse
  • Lose consciousness
  • Black out
  • Swoon
  • Keel over
  • Drop
  • Go limp
  • Fall unconscious
  • Succumb
  • Go out
  • Slip into unconsciousness
  • Zonk out
  • Crumple
  • Flump down

Want to learn how to say pass out professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Faint

Appropriate Use: Commonly used to describe a sudden loss of consciousness due to various causes.
Example: “During the intense heatwave, two workers fainted on the construction site.”

2. Collapse

Appropriate Use: Used to describe falling down suddenly due to loss of strength or consciousness.
Example: “The firefighter collapsed from exhaustion after battling the blaze for hours.”

3. Lose consciousness

Appropriate Use: A clinical or formal way to describe someone passing out.
Example: “The pilot lost consciousness momentarily due to high altitude pressure changes.”

4. Black out

Appropriate Use: Often used to describe loss of consciousness or memory for a short period.
Example: “She blacked out during the marathon but was quickly assisted by medical staff.”

5. Swoon

Appropriate Use: A somewhat antiquated or literary term for fainting, often due to extreme emotion.
Example: “Upon hearing the overwhelming news of his promotion, he nearly swooned.”

6. Keel over

Appropriate Use: Informal, used to describe suddenly falling over or fainting.
Example: “The warehouse worker keeled over due to dehydration.”

7. Drop

Appropriate Use: An informal way to describe someone suddenly falling down or fainting.
Example: “During the long, strenuous hike, one of the hikers just dropped from fatigue.”

8. Go limp

Appropriate Use: Used to describe a sudden relaxation of the muscles leading to collapse.
Example: “After the intense meeting, she went limp and had to be helped into a chair.”

9. Fall unconscious

Appropriate Use: A straightforward, descriptive way to say someone passed out.
Example: “The security guard fell unconscious due to a sudden health issue.”

10. Succumb

Appropriate Use: A more dramatic or serious way to describe passing out, often due to an overpowering force or condition.
Example: “He succumbed to the fumes and was found unconscious by his colleagues.”

11. Go out

Appropriate Use: Colloquial, used to describe losing consciousness.
Example: “The boxer went out for a few seconds after the heavy blow.”

12. Slip into unconsciousness

Appropriate Use: Often used in medical or dramatic contexts to describe a gradual loss of consciousness.
Example: “After the accident, the driver slipped into unconsciousness before the ambulance arrived.”

13. Zonk out

Appropriate Use: Very informal, often used to describe passing out from exhaustion or sleep.
Example: “After working for 36 hours straight, he just zonked out on the couch.”

14. Crumple

Appropriate Use: Describes someone suddenly falling due to loss of strength or consciousness.
Example: “He crumpled to the floor in the midst of the strenuous training session.”

15. Flump down

Appropriate Use: Informal, used to describe collapsing in a heap, often from exhaustion.
Example: “Exhausted after the day-long seminar, she flumped down onto her office chair.”

Linda Brown