What Is Another Way to Say “Pantheon”?

Looking for synonyms for pantheon? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say pantheon.

  • Temple
  • Shrine
  • Sanctuary
  • Hall of Fame
  • Altar
  • Panopticon
  • Olympus
  • Valhalla
  • Acropolis
  • Necropolis
  • Mausoleum
  • Basilica
  • Charnel House
  • Sepulchre
  • Catacomb

Want to learn how to say pantheon professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Temple

Appropriate use: Refers to a building devoted to the worship of a deity or deities.
Example: The company designed its headquarters like a modern temple to technology.

2. Shrine

Appropriate use: Used for a place regarded as holy because of its associations with a divinity or a sacred person or relic.
Example: The memorial site was treated as a shrine to honor the fallen heroes of the disaster.

3. Sanctuary

Appropriate use: Often used for a place of refuge or safety and can refer to a consecrated area.
Example: The hospital created a sanctuary garden for patients and staff to find peace and solace.

4. Hall of Fame

Appropriate use: Used to describe a space honoring famous or influential people in a particular field.
Example: She was inducted into the Business Hall of Fame for her outstanding contributions to the industry.

5. Altar

Appropriate use: Refers to a table or flat-topped block used for religious rites. In a metaphorical sense, it can denote a place of sacrifice or significant commitment.
Example: The new product launch event was set up like an altar to the company’s innovation.

6. Panopticon

Appropriate use: Originally a type of institutional building, but can be used metaphorically to describe a situation where someone feels constantly observed.
Example: The open office layout felt like a panopticon, with every movement visible to everyone.

7. Olympus

Appropriate use: Mythologically refers to the home of the Greek gods; metaphorically, it can represent a place of great prestige or authority.
Example: The executive floor in the company was often jokingly referred to as Olympus.

8. Valhalla

Appropriate use: In Norse mythology, it’s a majestic hall for fallen warriors; metaphorically, it can represent a place of honor or glory.
Example: The military academy’s hall of heroes was their version of Valhalla.

9. Acropolis

Appropriate use: Historically refers to a citadel or complex built on a high hill in ancient Greece; can be used metaphorically to describe a fortified area or a place of significant influence.
Example: The central administrative building was often called the acropolis of the corporate campus.

10. Necropolis

Appropriate use: Literally a large, ancient cemetery; metaphorically, it can refer to a place that houses the remains or memories of the past.
Example: The old part of the city, with its abandoned buildings, felt like a necropolis of a bygone era.

11. Mausoleum

Appropriate use: A large and stately tomb or building housing tombs.
Example: The founder’s resting place was a grand mausoleum, reflecting his impact on the company.

12. Basilica

Appropriate use: Originally a public Roman building and later a Christian church; metaphorically, it can signify a place of gathering or importance.
Example: The new conference hall was revered as the basilica of industry summits.

13. Charnel House

Appropriate use: A building or vault where human skeletal remains are stored; metaphorically, it can refer to a place associated with death or loss.
Example: After the restructuring, the abandoned office block was morosely referred to as the charnel house.

14. Sepulchre

Appropriate use: A small room or monument cut in rock or built of stone, in which a dead person is laid or buried.
Example: The library, filled with outdated books, was jokingly called the sepulchre of old ideas.

15. Catacomb

Appropriate use: An underground cemetery consisting of a subterranean gallery with recesses for tombs; metaphorically, can refer to a complex network or a place holding secrets or memories.
Example: The archives were a catacomb of the company’s long and intricate history.

Linda Brown