What Is Another Way to Say “Outside Of”?

Looking for synonyms for outside of? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say outside of.

  • Beyond
  • Exterior to
  • Outside
  • Excluding
  • Apart from
  • Beyond the scope of
  • Out of
  • Not including
  • Other than
  • Except for
  • Externally
  • Without
  • Off
  • On the outskirts of
  • Beyond the confines of

Want to learn how to say outside of professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Beyond

Appropriate Use: Suitable for referring to something that is outside the range or scope of something else.
Example: The research goes beyond the initial scope of the project.

2. Exterior to

Appropriate Use: Ideal for specifying something that is on the outer side or surface of something.
Example: The team’s activities were focused exterior to the main office location.

3. Outside

Appropriate Use: Suitable for something that is not within a particular area or space.
Example: The company is seeking investors from outside the technology sector.

4. Excluding

Appropriate Use: Used for specifying that something does not include a particular element or group.
Example: The report, excluding the appendices, is 30 pages long.

5. Apart from

Appropriate Use: Ideal for referring to something with an exception.
Example: Apart from the initial investment, the project requires minimal expenses.

6. Beyond the Scope of

Appropriate Use: Suitable for something that exceeds the limits or range of a particular field or subject.
Example: Addressing environmental issues is beyond the scope of our current study.

7. Out of

Appropriate Use: Used for indicating a location or position outside of something.
Example: The manager prefers holding meetings out of the office environment.

8. Not Including

Appropriate Use: Ideal for specifying the exclusion of something.
Example: The total cost, not including taxes, comes to $200.

9. Other Than

Appropriate Use: Suitable for indicating an alternative or something different.
Example: Other than the main speaker, the seminar will feature two guest presenters.

10. Except for

Appropriate Use: Used to introduce the only thing that prevents something from being completely true.
Example: The office was quiet, except for the occasional sound of typing.

11. Externally

Appropriate Use: Ideal for referring to something done or located outside of a particular place.
Example: The company plans to recruit externally to fill the senior management positions.

12. Without

Appropriate Use: Suitable for indicating the absence or lack of something.
Example: The team worked without any external assistance.

13. Off

Appropriate Use: Used to specify a location or direction away from a place.
Example: The retreat will be held off the main campus.

14. On the Outskirts of

Appropriate Use: Ideal for describing a location on the outer areas of a place.
Example: The new warehouse is situated on the outskirts of the city.

15. Beyond the Confines of

Appropriate Use: Suitable for something that is outside the limits or boundaries of something.
Example: Their analysis went beyond the confines of the initial market study.

Linda Brown