What Is Another Way to Say “Also Known As”?

Looking for synonyms for also known as? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say also known as.

  • AKA (abbreviation for ‘also known as’)
  • Otherwise known as
  • Better known as
  • Commonly known as
  • Formally known as
  • Known otherwise as
  • Referred to as
  • Popularly known as
  • Frequently called
  • Often referred to as
  • In other words
  • Alias
  • Synonymous with
  • Called
  • Termed
  • Named as
  • Designated as
  • Identified as
  • Styled as
  • Denominated as

Want to learn how to say also known as professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. AKA (abbreviation for ‘also known as’)

Appropriate Use: Suitable for informal contexts or shorthand writing where brevity is desired.
Example: “John Smith, AKA the lead developer, presented the new software.”

2. Otherwise Known as

Appropriate Use: Ideal for introducing an alternative name or title that is less commonly used.
Example: “The Helianthus annuus, otherwise known as the sunflower, is a popular plant.”

3. Better Known as

Appropriate Use: Best when the alternative name is more recognizable or familiar to the audience.
Example: “Theodore Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, is famous for his children’s books.”

4. Commonly Known as

Appropriate Use: Suitable for introducing a name or term that is widely recognized.
Example: “Sodium chloride is commonly known as salt.”

5. Formally Known as

Appropriate Use: Ideal for referring to a previous official name or title.
Example: “The company, formally known as Smith & Co., has rebranded to SmithTech.”

6. Known Otherwise as

Appropriate Use: Best for presenting an alternative designation or identifier.
Example: “The document, known otherwise as the company charter, outlines our core values.”

7. Referred to as

Appropriate Use: Suitable for introducing a term or name used by specific groups or in certain contexts.
Example: “The chemical compound H2O is referred to as water.”

8. Popularly Known as

Appropriate Use: Ideal for a name or term that is widely recognized and used by the general public.
Example: “The city of New York is popularly known as the Big Apple.”

9. Frequently Called

Appropriate Use: Best for a name or term that is often used, especially in casual or informal contexts.
Example: “The device is frequently called a smartphone.”

10. Often Referred to as

Appropriate Use: Suitable for a term or name that is regularly used in various contexts.
Example: “The phenomenon is often referred to as global warming.”

11. In Other Words

Appropriate Use: Ideal for clarifying or rephrasing a term or concept.
Example: “He specializes in entomology, in other words, the study of insects.”

12. Alias

Appropriate Use: Best for indicating an alternative name, often used to conceal identity.
Example: “The author published under the alias ‘Mark Twain’.”

13. Synonymous with

Appropriate Use: Suitable for a term that is equivalent in meaning to another.
Example: “The brand is synonymous with quality electronics.”

14. Called

Appropriate Use: Ideal for a simple and direct alternative name introduction.
Example: “The structure is called the Eiffel Tower.”

15. Termed

Appropriate Use: Best for a more formal introduction of an alternative name or concept.
Example: “The process is termed photosynthesis.”

16. Named as

Appropriate Use: Suitable for specifying a particular name given to something.
Example: “The initiative was named as ‘Project Sunrise’.”

17. Designated as

Appropriate Use: Ideal for an official or formal alternative name.
Example: “The area is designated as a conservation zone.”

18. Identified as

Appropriate Use: Best for introducing a name or term used in identification.
Example: “The suspect was identified as John Doe.”

19. Styled as

Appropriate Use: Suitable for a specific or unique way of naming or referring to something.
Example: “The artist is styled as ‘The Painter of Light’.”

20. Denominated as

Appropriate Use: Ideal for a formal or technical alternative naming.
Example: “The currency is denominated as the Euro.”

Linda Brown