What Is Another Way to Say “On a Different Note”?

Looking for synonyms for on a different note? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say on a different note.

  • Changing the subject
  • In a different vein
  • On another matter
  • Switching gears
  • On the other hand
  • Moving on
  • Shifting focus
  • Alternatively
  • Turning to something else
  • Pivoting to
  • In another light
  • In contrast
  • Diverging from this
  • However
  • Nonetheless
  • In other news
  • Speaking of which
  • On a side note
  • On a separate matter
  • On a tangent

Want to learn how to say on a different note professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Changing the Subject

Appropriate Use: Suitable when intentionally moving the conversation to a different topic.
Example: Changing the subject, let’s discuss the upcoming team-building event.

2. In a Different Vein

Appropriate Use: Used to introduce a topic that is different but somewhat related.
Example: In a different vein, the marketing strategy also needs to align with our CSR objectives.

3. On Another Matter

Appropriate Use: Ideal for transitioning to a completely separate topic or issue.
Example: On another matter, I’d like to address the updates in our IT security policy.

4. Switching Gears

Appropriate Use: Suitable for a noticeable shift in topic or activity.
Example: Switching gears, let’s focus on the financial report for the next quarter.

5. On the Other Hand

Appropriate Use: Used to present a contrasting point or different perspective.
Example: On the other hand, we must consider the environmental impact of our new project.

6. Moving On

Appropriate Use: Ideal for proceeding to a different topic or activity.
Example: Moving on, I’d like to discuss our plans for employee training this year.

7. Shifting Focus

Appropriate Use: Suitable when redirecting attention to a different subject.
Example: Shifting focus to our sales targets, we need a more aggressive approach.

8. Alternatively

Appropriate Use: Used to introduce a different idea or proposition.
Example: Alternatively, we could allocate more resources to research and development.

9. Turning to Something Else

Appropriate Use: Ideal for a smooth transition to a different topic.
Example: Turning to something else, let’s review the feedback from our customer survey.

10. Pivoting to

Appropriate Use: Suitable for making a significant or strategic change in topic.
Example: Pivoting to our digital transformation, I want to highlight the upcoming milestones.

11. In Another Light

Appropriate Use: Used to introduce a topic from a different perspective.
Example: In another light, let’s consider how this affects our international partners.

12. In Contrast

Appropriate Use: Ideal for discussing a topic that opposes or differs from the previous one.
Example: In contrast to our previous strategy, the new approach focuses more on local markets.

13. Diverging from This

Appropriate Use: Suitable for veering away from the current topic to a different one.
Example: Diverging from this, I’d like to discuss the recent updates in employment law.

14. However

Appropriate Use: Used to introduce a statement that contrasts with or contradicts the previous one.
Example: However, we must not overlook the potential risks associated with this decision.

15. Nonetheless

Appropriate Use: Ideal for transitioning while acknowledging the previous point.
Example: Nonetheless, we must proceed with the plan to stay on schedule.

16. In Other News

Appropriate Use: Suitable for a casual transition to a completely different topic.
Example: In other news, our team won the industry award for innovation.

17. Speaking of Which

Appropriate Use: Used to connect to a related topic or follow up on a previous point.
Example: Speaking of which, that reminds me of the upcoming deadline for the grant application.

18. On a Side Note

Appropriate Use: Ideal for briefly mentioning a topic that is somewhat related but tangential.
Example: On a side note, I’d like to congratulate Mark on his recent certification.

19. On a Separate Matter

Appropriate Use: Suitable for formally introducing an unrelated topic.
Example: On a separate matter, the board requires updates on the compliance audit.

20. On a Tangent

Appropriate Use: Used when veering off the main topic to a related but different subject.
Example: Going on a tangent, this also affects our approach to remote working policies.

Linda Brown