Looking for synonyms for set off? We’ve got you covered!
Here’s a list of other ways to say set off.
- Initiate
- Trigger
- Start
- Begin
- Launch
- Activate
- Commence
- Spark
- Provoke
- Induce
- Ignite
- Instigate
- Catalyze
- Kick off
- Stimulate
Want to learn how to say set off professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.
1. Initiate
Appropriate Use: To begin or start something.
Example: “The company decided to initiate a new training program for employees.”
2. Trigger
Appropriate Use: To cause an event or situation to happen or exist.
Example: “The new policy changes could trigger a shift in employee productivity.”
3. Start
Appropriate Use: To begin a process or sequence of events.
Example: “We will start the software upgrade at midnight to minimize disruption.”
4. Begin
Appropriate Use: To start; to do the first part of something.
Example: “The team will begin the marketing campaign next Monday.”
5. Launch
Appropriate Use: To start or introduce something new, such as a product or initiative.
Example: “The company is planning to launch its new product line this fall.”
6. Activate
Appropriate Use: To make something operational; to set something in motion.
Example: “Once the system is fully tested, we will activate the new security protocol.”
7. Commence
Appropriate Use: To begin something; a formal way of saying ‘start’.
Example: “The construction of the new facility will commence in the spring.”
8. Spark
Appropriate Use: To cause something to start or develop, especially suddenly.
Example: “The CEO’s announcement sparked a wave of innovation within the company.”
9. Provoke
Appropriate Use: To stimulate or give rise to a reaction or emotion, typically a strong or unwelcome one.
Example: “The change in management provoked a mixed response from the employees.”
10. Induce
Appropriate Use: To lead or move by persuasion or influence, as to some action or state of mind.
Example: “The tax incentives are designed to induce greater investment in renewable energy.”
11. Ignite
Appropriate Use: To start burning; to cause to start burning. Metaphorically, to begin a process or action.
Example: “Her speech served to ignite the team’s passion for the project.”
12. Instigate
Appropriate Use: To initiate an action or event, typically one that leads to change.
Example: “The director decided to instigate a comprehensive review of the company’s policies.”
13. Catalyze
Appropriate Use: To cause or accelerate a reaction by acting as a catalyst.
Example: “The new partnership is expected to catalyze further growth and innovation.”
14. Kick off
Appropriate Use: To begin; to start, often used in an informal context.
Example: “The project manager will kick off the meeting with a brief overview of the agenda.”
15. Stimulate
Appropriate Use: To raise levels of physiological or nervous activity in the body. In a broader sense, to encourage development or increased activity.
Example: “The latest technological advancements have stimulated new approaches in engineering.”