What Is Another Way to Say “Not Obvious”?

Looking for synonyms for not obvious? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say not obvious.

  • Subtle
  • Implicit
  • Concealed
  • Understated
  • Nuanced
  • Indirect
  • Inconspicuous
  • Unapparent
  • Obscured
  • Veiled
  • Discreet
  • Covert
  • Elusive
  • Hidden
  • Cryptic

Want to learn how to say not obvious professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Subtle

Used to describe something that is delicately complex and understated, not immediately noticeable.
Example: “The designer’s use of color was subtle, yet effective in creating a welcoming atmosphere.”

2. Implicit

Appropriate for something that is suggested or understood though not plainly expressed.
Example: “There was an implicit agreement among the team members on the strategy to be followed.”

3. Concealed

Used to describe something that is hidden or kept out of sight.
Example: “The concealed flaws in the software were not detected until after the launch.”

4. Understated

Suitable for something presented or expressed in a subtle and effective way.
Example: “Her understated presentation style was surprisingly persuasive.”

5. Nuanced

Used to describe a situation, behavior, or process that has subtle distinctions and variations.
Example: “His nuanced approach to negotiations helped in reaching a favorable outcome.”

6. Indirect

Appropriate for something not directly expressed or done in a straightforward manner.
Example: “His indirect manner of giving feedback often left employees confused.”

7. Inconspicuous

Used to describe something not clearly visible or attracting attention.
Example: “The spy adopted an inconspicuous demeanor to avoid detection.”

8. Unapparent

Suitable for something that is not immediately evident or observable.
Example: “The unapparent benefits of the new policy became clear only after several months.”

9. Obscured

Used to describe something that is not clearly seen or easily distinguished.
Example: “The true intentions behind the merger were obscured by public statements.”

10. Veiled

Appropriate for something that is partially concealed or disguised.
Example: “His criticism of the plan was veiled in polite language.”

11. Discreet

Used to describe actions that are careful and circumspect, especially in sensitive matters.
Example: “She made a discreet inquiry about the confidential agreement.”

12. Covert

Suitable for something that is not openly acknowledged or displayed.
Example: “The company engaged in covert market research to gain an edge over competitors.”

13. Elusive

Used to describe something that is difficult to find, catch, or achieve.
Example: “The reasons behind the project’s failure were elusive and hard to pinpoint.”

14. Hidden

Appropriate for something that is kept out of view or not readily apparent.
Example: “The report contained hidden implications that only a few could understand.”

15. Cryptic

Used to describe something that is mysterious or obscure in meaning.
Example: “The CEO’s cryptic remarks left analysts guessing about the company’s future plans.”

Linda Brown