What Is Another Way to Say “More Accurately”?

Looking for synonyms for more accurately? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say more accurately.

  • More precisely
  • More exactly
  • With greater accuracy
  • More correctly
  • More specifically
  • With finer detail
  • More meticulously
  • More closely
  • More rigorously
  • More sharply
  • More scrupulously
  • With higher precision
  • More finely
  • More carefully
  • With better accuracy
  • More thoroughly
  • More distinctly
  • More reliably
  • With improved precision
  • More faithfully

Want to learn how to say more accurately professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. More Precisely

Appropriate Usage: Indicates a higher degree of exactness or precision.
Example: The dimensions of the component were measured more precisely to ensure a perfect fit.

2. More Exactly

Appropriate Usage: Refers to being more exact or accurate in detail or description.
Example: The budget forecast now aligns more exactly with the financial projections.

3. With Greater Accuracy

Appropriate Usage: Implies an improvement in the correctness or exactness.
Example: The data was analyzed with greater accuracy, resulting in more reliable conclusions.

4. More Correctly

Appropriate Usage: Suggests an increased level of correctness or accuracy.
Example: The historical facts in the documentary were presented more correctly after revisions.

5. More Specifically

Appropriate Usage: Indicates a higher degree of specificity or particularity.
Example: The instructions were outlined more specifically to avoid any confusion.

6. With Finer Detail

Appropriate Usage: Refers to a greater level of detail or refinement.
Example: The architectural plans were developed with finer detail to address client concerns.

7. More Meticulously

Appropriate Usage: Implies a process done with more thoroughness and attention to detail.
Example: The research was conducted more meticulously to cover all potential variables.

8. More Closely

Appropriate Usage: Suggests examining or matching something with greater attention to detail and accuracy.
Example: The legal team reviewed the contract terms more closely to ensure compliance.

9. More Rigorously

Appropriate Usage: Indicates a more thorough and careful approach.
Example: The quality of the product was tested more rigorously to meet industry standards.

10. More Sharply

Appropriate Usage: Refers to a higher level of clarity or definition.
Example: The image resolution was enhanced to depict the features more sharply.

11. More Scrupulously

Appropriate Usage: Suggests a more careful and diligent approach to accuracy.
Example: Financial records were examined more scrupulously during the audit.

12. With Higher Precision

Appropriate Usage: Indicates an increase in the precision or exactness.
Example: The machine parts were manufactured with higher precision to improve performance.

13. More Finely

Appropriate Usage: Refers to a more delicate, detailed, or subtle level of accuracy.
Example: The artist painted the details more finely to capture the subject’s likeness.

14. More Carefully

Appropriate Usage: Suggests acting with more attention and care to achieve accuracy.
Example: The survey data was compiled more carefully to avoid any errors.

15. With Better Accuracy

Appropriate Usage: Implies a noticeable improvement in accuracy or correctness.
Example: The patient’s condition was diagnosed with better accuracy using the advanced equipment.

16. More Thoroughly

Appropriate Usage: Refers to a more complete and detailed level of accuracy.
Example: The project plan was reviewed more thoroughly to ensure all aspects were covered.

17. More Distinctly

Appropriate Usage: Suggests a clearer or more distinct level of accuracy.
Example: The report articulated the findings more distinctly, making it easier to understand.

18. More Reliably

Appropriate Usage: Indicates an increase in the reliability or dependability of accuracy.
Example: The experiment’s results are now more reliably reproducible after the procedure adjustments.

19. With Improved Precision

Appropriate Usage: Suggests an enhancement in the precision or exactitude.
Example: The measurements were taken with improved precision after calibrating the instruments.

20. More Faithfully

Appropriate Usage: Refers to a higher degree of faithfulness or adherence to the original or true form.
Example: The translation of the document was done more faithfully to maintain the author’s intent.

Linda Brown