What Is Another Way to Say “Make Use Of”?

Looking for synonyms for make use of? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say make use of.

  • Utilize
  • Employ
  • Exploit
  • Harness
  • Leverage
  • Apply
  • Capitalize on
  • Implement
  • Put to use
  • Take advantage of
  • Draw on
  • Make the most of
  • Operate
  • Use
  • Exercise
  • Adopt
  • Engage
  • Administer
  • Put into action
  • Avail oneself of

Want to learn how to say make use of professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Utilize

Use when referring to making practical and effective use of something.
Example: “We need to utilize the latest software to improve our workflow.”

2. Employ

Appropriate for putting something into service or action.
Example: “The company employs advanced analytics to inform decision-making.”

3. Exploit

Use when taking full advantage of resources or situations, often to gain a benefit.
Example: “The team should exploit current market trends to increase sales.”

4. Harness

Ideal for using something to produce a desired result, especially energy or technology.
Example: “We aim to harness solar energy to power our facilities.”

5. Leverage

Use when utilizing something to maximize advantage, often a resource or position.
Example: “Leverage your professional network to expand our client base.”

6. Apply

Suitable for putting something into operation or use.
Example: “Apply the feedback from the customer surveys to enhance the product.”

7. Capitalize on

Use when taking advantage of a situation or resource for benefit.
Example: “Capitalize on the new regulations to advance our environmental initiatives.”

8. Implement

Appropriate for putting a decision, plan, agreement, etc., into effect.
Example: “It’s time to implement the strategies we developed in the last quarter.”

9. Put to use

Use for employing something for a specific purpose.
Example: “Put the new equipment to use to increase production efficiency.”

10. Take advantage of

Ideal for using an opportunity or resource to one’s benefit.
Example: “Take advantage of the new software to streamline our processes.”

11. Draw on

Use for bringing into play or making use of a resource or source of information.
Example: “We can draw on our industry experience to solve this problem.”

12. Make the most of

Suitable for utilizing something to its fullest potential.
Example: “Make the most of the current market conditions to boost our brand presence.”

13. Operate

Use for controlling the functioning of a machine, process, or system.
Example: “Operate the new software to manage customer data more effectively.”

14. Use

A general term for putting something into service.
Example: “Use the feedback to improve our services.”

15. Exercise

Appropriate for utilizing a skill, right, or quality.
Example: “Exercise due diligence in all contractual agreements.”

16. Adopt

Use when choosing and starting to use something.
Example: “Adopt a more sustainable approach in our manufacturing processes.”

17. Engage

Ideal for employing something effectively.
Example: “Engage the new marketing tactics to reach a broader audience.”

18. Administer

Use for managing the operation or use of something.
Example: “Administer the new policies to ensure compliance across all departments.”

19. Put into action

Suitable for activating or setting something in motion.
Example: “Now is the time to put our plans into action.”

20. Avail oneself of

Use for making use of a resource or opportunity.
Example: “Avail yourself of the training programs to develop your skills.”

Linda Brown