What Is Another Way to Say “Low Income”?

Looking for synonyms for low income? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say low income.

  • Modest income
  • Limited income
  • Meager income
  • Small-scale earnings
  • Minimal wage
  • Low earnings
  • Subsistence level
  • Bare minimum earnings
  • Inadequate income
  • Reduced income
  • Lower-end earnings
  • Scant income
  • Nominal earnings
  • Insufficient income
  • Marginal income
  • Sparse income
  • Basic income
  • Economical income
  • Frugal earnings
  • Underprivileged income

Want to learn how to say low income professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Modest Income

Usage: Suitable for an income that is moderate or not large in size.
Example: “Families with a modest income may qualify for additional tax benefits.”

2. Limited Income

Usage: Ideal for an income that is restricted or not large.
Example: “Our non-profit organization provides support to individuals with limited income.”

3. Meager Income

Usage: Appropriate for an income that is very small or inadequate.
Example: “Workers on meager incomes often struggle to afford basic living expenses.”

4. Small-Scale Earnings

Usage: Used for earnings that are low in amount, often in context of small businesses or individual earnings.
Example: “Artists and freelancers generally start their careers with small-scale earnings.”

5. Minimal Wage

Usage: Suitable for the lowest amount of remuneration that employers can legally pay their workers.
Example: “Many entry-level jobs offer a salary at or near the minimal wage.”

6. Low Earnings

Usage: Ideal for general reference to earnings that are low.
Example: “Despite their low earnings, many essential workers continue to provide critical services.”

7. Subsistence Level

Usage: Appropriate for income that is only sufficient to cover basic necessities.
Example: “Families living at a subsistence level may not afford healthcare or education.”

8. Bare Minimum Earnings

Usage: Used for the smallest or least amount that one earns.
Example: “Part-time workers in the gig economy often have to get by on bare minimum earnings.”

9. Inadequate Income

Usage: Suitable for an income that is insufficient for a person’s or family’s needs.
Example: “Inadequate income levels in the region have led to increased demands for social assistance programs.”

10. Reduced Income

Usage: Ideal for income that has been decreased from a previous level.
Example: “Many experienced a reduced income during the economic downturn.”

11. Lower-End Earnings

Usage: Appropriate for earnings that are on the lower spectrum in a given context.
Example: “Entry-level positions in this sector typically offer lower-end earnings.”

12. Scant Income

Usage: Used for an income that is barely sufficient or not enough.
Example: “Scant income among agricultural workers is a growing concern for policymakers.”

13. Nominal Earnings

Usage: Suitable for earnings that are very small or exist in name only.
Example: “Interns often work for nominal earnings to gain industry experience.”

14. Insufficient Income

Usage: Ideal for income that is not enough to meet needs or expenses.
Example: “Families with insufficient income face challenges in accessing quality education for their children.”

15. Marginal Income

Usage: Appropriate for income that is minimal or barely enough.
Example: “Marginal income earners are often the most affected during economic crises.”

16. Sparse Income

Usage: Used for an income that is not dense or plentiful.
Example: “Rural areas often have opportunities for employment, but typically offer only sparse income.”

17. Basic Income

Usage: Suitable for an income that covers only the basic necessities of living.
Example: “The government’s basic income scheme aims to support those who are unemployed.”

18. Economical Income

Usage: Ideal for an income that is modest and requires economical living.
Example: “Individuals with an economical income need to budget carefully to manage their expenses.”

19. Frugal Earnings

Usage: Appropriate for earnings that require a frugal lifestyle.
Example: “Many retirees live on frugal earnings from their savings and pensions.”

20. Underprivileged Income

Usage: Used for income levels that are associated with underprivileged groups or communities.
Example: “Non-governmental organizations often focus on improving conditions for those with underprivileged income.”

Linda Brown