What Is Another Way to Say “Low Self-Esteem”?

Looking for synonyms for low self-esteem? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say low self-esteem.

  • Poor self-image
  • Low self-worth
  • Lack of self-confidence
  • Insecurity
  • Self-doubt
  • Diminished self-regard
  • Negative self-perception
  • Lack of self-respect
  • Inferiority complex
  • Low self-respect
  • Little self-regard
  • Self-deprecation
  • Poor self-regard
  • Low confidence
  • Self-disparagement

Want to learn how to say low self-esteem professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Poor Self-Image

Usage: Suitable for a negative or low view of oneself.
Example: “Employees with a poor self-image may hesitate to volunteer for new projects or opportunities.”

2. Low Self-Worth

Usage: Ideal for feelings of being unworthy or not valuable.
Example: “A counseling program was initiated to help staff members combat feelings of low self-worth.”

3. Lack of Self-Confidence

Usage: Appropriate for an absence of belief in one’s own abilities.
Example: “Her lack of self-confidence often prevents her from speaking up in meetings.”

4. Insecurity

Usage: Used to describe feelings of uncertainty or anxiety about oneself.
Example: “Insecurity about job performance can be addressed through regular feedback and support.”

5. Self-Doubt

Usage: Suitable for questioning one’s own abilities or decisions.
Example: “Self-doubt can be a major barrier to career advancement.”

6. Diminished Self-Regard

Usage: Ideal for a reduced level of respect for oneself.
Example: “The team’s morale was affected by a general sense of diminished self-regard.”

7. Negative Self-Perception

Usage: Appropriate for a negative view of oneself.
Example: “Programs to build leadership skills can help improve negative self-perception.”

8. Lack of Self-Respect

Usage: Used when there is a deficiency of pride and confidence in oneself.
Example: “Lack of self-respect can lead to accepting lower standards in both personal and professional life.”

9. Inferiority Complex

Usage: Suitable for persistent feelings of inadequacy.
Example: “An inferiority complex might stem from continuous negative feedback in a work environment.”

10. Low Self-Respect

Usage: Ideal for a low level of respect for oneself.
Example: “Low self-respect can hinder one’s ability to negotiate effectively in a professional setting.”

11. Little Self-Regard

Usage: Appropriate for having a small amount of respect or consideration for oneself.
Example: “Employees with little self-regard might not advocate for their deserved promotions or raises.”

12. Self-Deprecation

Usage: Used for belittling or undervaluing oneself.
Example: “While self-deprecation can be humorous, it may also reflect underlying self-esteem issues.”

13. Poor Self-Regard

Usage: Suitable for a low level of respect for oneself.
Example: “Counseling services are available for employees struggling with poor self-regard.”

14. Low Confidence

Usage: Ideal for a lack of trust in one’s abilities or quality.
Example: “Low confidence in public speaking is common among professionals.”

15. Self-Disparagement

Usage: Appropriate for speaking slightingly or negatively about oneself.
Example: “Frequent self-disparagement can undermine a person’s professional credibility.”

Linda Brown