What Is Another Way to Say “Lay Down”?

Looking for synonyms for lay down? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say lay down.

  • Set down
  • Place down
  • Put down
  • Deposit
  • Rest
  • Position
  • Lower
  • Recline
  • Arrange
  • Establish
  • Install
  • Stow
  • Station
  • Park
  • Emplace

Want to learn how to say lay down professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Set Down

“Set down” is used when placing something carefully in a specific place or position.

Example: “Please set down the equipment gently on the table in the laboratory.”

2. Place Down

“Place down” implies putting something in a particular location with care.

Example: “The technician was instructed to place down the delicate components on the workbench.”

3. Put Down

“Put down” is a general term for placing something on a surface or ground.

Example: “After the meeting, put down the chairs back in their designated spots.”

4. Deposit

“Deposit” is often used in contexts where something is placed for safekeeping or storage.

Example: “Deposit the confidential files in the secure vault after reviewing them.”

5. Rest

“Rest” implies allowing something to be in a position supported by something else.

Example: “Rest the blueprints on the easel during the presentation.”

6. Position

“Position” involves placing something in a specific place or arrangement for a particular purpose.

Example: “Position the sign at the entrance so that it is visible to everyone who enters.”

7. Lower

“Lower” is used when gradually bringing something down to a surface or lower position.

Example: “Carefully lower the machinery onto the factory floor using the crane.”

8. Recline

“Recline” is typically used in the context of leaning back or lying down in a relaxed position.

Example: “After the long conference call, she reclined in her office chair to rest for a moment.”

9. Arrange

“Arrange” implies placing or organizing items in a particular order or pattern.

Example: “Please arrange the products on the shelf according to their sizes.”

10. Establish

“Establish” can refer to laying down principles, rules, or foundations, often in a formal or official capacity.

Example: “The committee will establish the guidelines for the audit process.”

11. Install

“Install” is used when setting up equipment or a system in a particular place.

Example: “The technician will install the new computer servers in the data center.”

12. Stow

“Stow” refers to putting something away, typically for organization or safety.

Example: “Stow all your personal belongings in the overhead compartment before takeoff.”

13. Station

“Station” involves placing something, often equipment or personnel, in a specific location for a purpose.

Example: “Station the guards at all the entrances during the event.”

14. Park

“Park” is commonly used in reference to vehicles, meaning to place or leave them in a specific location.

Example: “Park the company cars in the designated area behind the building.”

15. Emplace

“Emplace” means to put something in a specific place, especially something large or heavy.

Example: “The construction crew will emplace the new statue in the park next week.”

Linda Brown