What Is Another Way to Say “Last Resort”?

Looking for synonyms for last resort? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say last resort.

  • Final recourse
  • Last option
  • Ultima ratio
  • Final resort
  • Final alternative
  • Last ditch effort
  • Last stand
  • Plan B
  • Final solution
  • Emergency measure
  • Back-up plan
  • Ace in the hole
  • Fallback
  • Trump card
  • Final shot
  • Break glass in case of emergency
  • Hail Mary
  • Desperate remedy
  • Last hope
  • Last resort

Want to learn how to say last resort professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Final Recourse

Used in situations where all other options have been exhausted and only one course of action remains.

  • Example: “If negotiations fail, litigation will be our final recourse.”

2. Last Option

Appropriate for scenarios where no other alternatives are viable or available.

  • Example: “As a last option, the company may consider downsizing.”

3. Ultima Ratio

A Latin term often used in legal or serious strategic contexts, meaning the last argument or measure.

  • Example: “In dealing with the severe financial crisis, selling the subsidiary was our ultima ratio.”

4. Final Resort

Used in circumstances where this is the only remaining solution after all others have been tried or considered.

  • Example: “Liquidation is the final resort for businesses that cannot pay their debts.”

5. Final Alternative

Appropriate for the last available choice among several options.

  • Example: “Our final alternative is to merge with a larger company.”

6. Last Ditch Effort

Used for a final attempt, often made in desperation or when everything else has failed.

  • Example: “The marketing team made a last ditch effort to boost the product’s popularity.”

7. Last Stand

Typically used in a dramatic or confrontational context, where this is the final opportunity to defend or resist.

  • Example: “The board made a last stand against the hostile takeover.”

8. Plan B

A secondary plan to be used if the first plan fails.

  • Example: “If the initial marketing strategy doesn’t work, we’ll switch to Plan B.”

9. Final Solution

Used in a context where this is the ultimate measure to resolve a problem, often after others have been tried.

  • Example: “The final solution to the software issue was a complete system overhaul.”

10. Emergency Measure

Appropriate for actions taken in response to an unexpected and urgent situation.

  • Example: “The emergency measure included cutting non-essential expenses.”

11. Back-Up Plan

A plan to be used in case the original plan is unsuccessful or cannot be executed.

  • Example: “We have a back-up plan in case the supplier fails to deliver on time.”

12. Ace in the Hole

An advantage or resource kept in reserve until needed.

  • Example: “The company’s patent portfolio was their ace in the hole during negotiations.”

13. Fallback

Used for an alternative plan or strategy that can be adopted if the primary plan fails.

  • Example: “Remote working will be our fallback if the office is not accessible.”

14. Trump Card

A resource or strategy held in reserve, used to gain an advantage when needed.

  • Example: “The CEO’s industry connections were his trump card in securing the deal.”

15. Final Shot

Refers to the last attempt or effort to achieve something.

  • Example: “This proposal is our final shot at securing the client’s trust.”

16. Break Glass in Case of Emergency

A metaphorical expression for a last resort action to be used only in an emergency.

  • Example: “Tapping into the reserve funds is like breaking glass in case of emergency.”

17. Hail Mary

A term borrowed from American football, used to describe a desperate, final attempt.

  • Example: “The product release was a Hail Mary to save the company from bankruptcy.”

18. Desperate Remedy

Used in situations where only a risky or extreme course of action is left.

  • Example: “Outsourcing our core services is a desperate remedy, but we might have no choice.”

19. Last Hope

Appropriate when this is the only thing left to rely on for success or survival.

  • Example: “The new investor is our last hope to inject much-needed capital into the business.”

20. Last Resort

The final option to be used when all others have been exhausted.

  • Example: “Filing for bankruptcy is our last resort to handle the debt crisis.”

Linda Brown