What Is Another Way to Say “Keep up With”?

Looking for synonyms for keep up with? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say keep up with.

  • Stay abreast of
  • Keep pace with
  • Follow
  • Match
  • Keep in step with
  • Keep track of
  • Monitor
  • Stay in touch with
  • Remain current with
  • Keep informed about
  • Be up-to-date with
  • Stay on top of
  • Keep a tab on
  • Maintain pace with
  • Stay attuned to

Want to learn how to say keep up with professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Stay Abreast of

Usage: Ideal for keeping informed about the latest developments or changes.
Example: “It’s crucial for our team to stay abreast of the latest cybersecurity threats.”

2. Keep Pace with

Usage: Suitable for moving or progressing at the same rate as someone or something else.
Example: “The company must keep pace with rapidly evolving technology trends.”

3. Follow

Usage: Appropriate for maintaining awareness or staying informed about something.
Example: “She follows industry news closely to stay ahead in her field.”

4. Match

Usage: Used when meeting or equaling a standard, level, or rate.
Example: “Our production rates need to match the increasing market demand.”

5. Keep in Step with

Usage: Ideal for staying aligned or coordinated with something, especially changes.
Example: “The curriculum is regularly updated to keep in step with industry advancements.”

6. Keep Track of

Usage: Suitable for continuously monitoring or being aware of something.
Example: “Managers keep track of project progress through weekly updates.”

7. Monitor

Usage: Appropriate for regularly checking something for purposes of control or observation.
Example: “Our finance department closely monitors budget expenditures.”

8. Stay in Touch with

Usage: Used for maintaining contact or communication with a particular field or area.
Example: “As a marketing expert, he stays in touch with emerging social media trends.”

9. Remain Current with

Usage: Ideal for being up-to-date with the latest information or trends.
Example: “It’s vital to remain current with legal regulations in our industry.”

10. Keep Informed about

Usage: Suitable for staying knowledgeable or educated about a particular topic.
Example: “Employees are encouraged to keep informed about company policies and updates.”

11. Be Up-to-Date with

Usage: Appropriate for having the most recent and relevant information or knowledge.
Example: “She ensures she is up-to-date with the latest software for her role in IT.”

12. Stay on Top of

Usage: Used for managing to deal with something effectively and not allow it to become problematic.
Example: “Our team works hard to stay on top of client requests and concerns.”

13. Keep a Tab on

Usage: Ideal for monitoring something continuously to ensure it remains under control.
Example: “The manager keeps a tab on inventory levels to prevent shortages.”

14. Maintain Pace with

Usage: Suitable for progressing at a rate comparable to something else.
Example: “To maintain pace with competitors, the company invests heavily in research and development.”

15. Stay Attuned to

Usage: Appropriate for being responsive or sensitive to something, especially changes.
Example: “Our product development team stays attuned to customer feedback for improvements.”

Linda Brown