What Is Another Way to Say “Keep in Touch”?

Looking for synonyms for keep in touch? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say keep in touch.

  • Stay connected
  • Maintain contact
  • Keep in contact
  • Remain in touch
  • Stay in communication
  • Keep up with
  • Continue to communicate
  • Stay in touch
  • Keep corresponding
  • Follow up with
  • Remain connected
  • Preserve communication
  • Keep in communication
  • Continue correspondence
  • Maintain communication

Want to learn how to say keep in touch professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Stay Connected

“Stay connected” is used to emphasize the importance of ongoing communication and engagement, often in both personal and professional contexts.

Example: “It’s vital that we stay connected with our clients to understand their evolving needs.”

2. Maintain Contact

“Maintain contact” suggests a continuous effort to keep in touch, suitable for professional relationships.

Example: “Even after the project concludes, it’s important to maintain contact for future collaboration opportunities.”

3. Keep in Contact

“Keep in contact” is a direct and clear way to express the need to continue communication regularly.

Example: “I’ll keep in contact with the suppliers to ensure timely delivery of the materials.”

4. Remain in Touch

“Remain in touch” implies continuing an existing communication or relationship over time.

Example: “Please remain in touch with updates regarding the software implementation progress.”

5. Stay in Communication

“Stay in communication” is appropriate for emphasizing ongoing dialogue or exchange of information.

Example: “Let’s stay in communication as the market conditions evolve.”

6. Keep Up With

“Keep up with” suggests staying informed or updated about someone or something.

Example: “I encourage you to keep up with industry trends to enhance your professional development.”

7. Continue to Communicate

“Continue to communicate” emphasizes the action of keeping an ongoing exchange of information or dialogue.

Example: “It’s crucial for the team to continue to communicate effectively throughout the project.”

8. Stay in Touch

“Stay in touch” is a common and friendly way to express the desire to continue communication.

Example: “After you relocate, let’s stay in touch to discuss potential business opportunities.”

9. Keep Corresponding

“Keep corresponding” is often used in a more formal context, especially when referring to written communication.

Example: “We should keep corresponding with the regulatory bodies to ensure compliance.”

10. Follow Up With

“Follow up with” is used to indicate the action of continuing communication after an initial interaction or meeting.

Example: “Please follow up with the client next week to address their feedback.”

11. Remain Connected

“Remain connected” implies staying in a state of contact or communication, often used in network-building contexts.

Example: “It’s beneficial for our careers to remain connected with our alumni network.”

12. Preserve Communication

“Preserve communication” is suitable for emphasizing the need to keep the channels of communication open and active.

Example: “Despite working remotely, it’s essential to preserve communication with your team.”

13. Keep in Communication

“Keep in communication” is a straightforward expression for ongoing exchange of information or news.

Example: “As we expand globally, it’s important to keep in communication with all regional offices.”

14. Continue Correspondence

“Continue correspondence” is often used in formal contexts where ongoing written communication is essential.

Example: “We will continue correspondence with our partners to finalize the agreement details.”

15. Maintain Communication

“Maintain communication” emphasizes the continuous effort required to keep an open and active dialogue.

Example: “To ensure project success, we must maintain communication with all stakeholders.”

Linda Brown