What Is Another Way to Say “It Turns Out”?

Looking for synonyms for it turns out? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say it turns out.

  • As it happens
  • Surprisingly
  • Interestingly
  • Unexpectedly
  • It appears
  • As a result
  • In the end
  • Eventually
  • It transpires
  • As it turns out
  • Coincidentally
  • Ultimately
  • As fate would have it
  • It emerges
  • In conclusion
  • It becomes evident
  • Fortuitously
  • Providentially
  • Serendipitously
  • It is revealed

Want to learn how to say it turns out professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. As It Happens

When to use: Suitable for introducing a fact or situation that is coincidental or unexpected.
Example: As it happens, the CEO was already considering a similar strategy for our marketing campaign.

2. Surprisingly

When to use: Best for highlighting an unexpected or unforeseen outcome.
Example: Surprisingly, the new product outperformed all our sales projections.

3. Interestingly

When to use: Appropriate for presenting information that is intriguing or noteworthy.
Example: Interestingly, the market research shows a different trend than we anticipated.

4. Unexpectedly

When to use: Ideal for situations where something unforeseen occurs.
Example: Unexpectedly, the competitor’s merger actually created opportunities for our company.

5. It Appears

When to use: Suitable for suggesting a conclusion or state that has become evident.
Example: It appears that our investments in green technology are paying off.

6. As a Result

When to use: Best when showing the outcome or consequence of a situation.
Example: As a result of our team’s hard work, the project was completed ahead of schedule.

7. In the End

When to use: Appropriate for summing up a situation after all outcomes have been considered.
Example: In the end, the company decided to expand into the European market.

8. Eventually

When to use: Ideal for indicating what happened over time or after a series of events.
Example: Eventually, the new policies led to a significant increase in employee satisfaction.

9. It Transpires

When to use: Suitable for revealing information or developments that have come to light.
Example: It transpires that the data breach was smaller than initially feared.

10. As It Turns Out

When to use: Best for introducing information that is somewhat unexpected or surprising.
Example: As it turns out, our competitor has been facing similar challenges.

11. Coincidentally

When to use: Appropriate for events or situations that occur by chance in a surprising way.
Example: Coincidentally, our new product launch coincided with a major shift in consumer trends.

12. Ultimately

When to use: Ideal for stating the final outcome after all facts have been considered.
Example: Ultimately, the decision was made to merge with another company.

13. As Fate Would Have It

When to use: Suitable for a situation that seems influenced by fate or destiny.
Example: As fate would have it, the new CEO had expertise exactly in our area of need.

14. It Emerges

When to use: Best for information that has become clear or apparent over time.
Example: It emerges that the new software greatly improves operational efficiency.

15. In Conclusion

When to use: Appropriate for summarizing the final point or outcome of a discussion.
Example: In conclusion, our strategic changes have led to a significant market share increase.

16. It Becomes Evident

When to use: Ideal for situations where a fact or truth is revealed or becomes clear.
Example: It becomes evident that investing in employee training enhances productivity.

17. Fortuitously

When to use: Suitable for outcomes that are fortunate and occur by chance.
Example: Fortuitously, the market demand increased just as our product entered the market.

18. Providentially

When to use: Best for situations that seem to occur through timely and favorable intervention.
Example: Providentially, the regulatory changes favored our business model.

19. Serendipitously

When to use: Appropriate for happy or beneficial occurrences that happen by chance.
Example: Serendipitously, we discovered a new market niche during our research.

20. It Is Revealed

When to use: Ideal for situations where previously unknown information is disclosed.
Example: It is revealed that the new merger will significantly enhance our global reach.

Linda Brown