What Is Another Way to Say “Fake News”?

Looking for synonyms for fake news? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say fake news.

  • Disinformation
  • Misinformation
  • Fabricated news
  • False news
  • Hoax news
  • Untrue news
  • Propaganda
  • Distorted news
  • Misleading news
  • Deceptive news
  • Fictitious news
  • Bogus news
  • Counterfeit news
  • Spurious news
  • Inaccurate news

Want to learn how to say fake news professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Disinformation

When to use: Specifically refers to false information that is intentionally spread to deceive people.
Example: The report was identified as disinformation aimed at disrupting the election process.

2. Misinformation

When to use: Describes false or inaccurate information, but without the connotation of intent to deceive.
Example: The health article contained misinformation regarding the effects of the medication.

3. Fabricated News

When to use: Used when news or stories are completely made up and have no basis in fact.
Example: The website was notorious for circulating fabricated news stories for sensationalism.

4. False News

When to use: Suitable for any news that is untrue or lacks factual accuracy.
Example: The false news about the company’s bankruptcy caused unnecessary panic among investors.

5. Hoax News

When to use: Ideal for news stories that are created to trick or deceive readers deliberately.
Example: The celebrity death report turned out to be a hoax news story.

6. Untrue News

When to use: Used for news that is not based on fact or truth.
Example: The article was retracted after being identified as untrue news.

7. Propaganda

When to use: Refers to biased or misleading information used to promote a political cause or point of view.
Example: The campaign was criticized for using propaganda to influence public opinion.

8. Distorted News

When to use: Suitable for news that contains elements of truth but is twisted or misrepresented.
Example: The distorted news report exaggerated the extent of the problem.

9. Misleading News

When to use: Best for news that gives a false impression or leads people to incorrect conclusions.
Example: The headline was criticized for being misleading news about the health study.

10. Deceptive News

When to use: Appropriate for news intended to deceive or give a false impression.
Example: The deceptive news article was part of a scheme to mislead consumers.

11. Fictitious News

When to use: Used for news that is invented or imaginary and not based on real events.
Example: The website frequently published fictitious news stories to attract readers.

12. Bogus News

When to use: Suitable for news that is false, fraudulent, or fake in its entirety.
Example: The bogus news story about the new product launch was quickly debunked.

13. Counterfeit News

When to use: Ideal for news that is an imitation of something genuine, designed to deceive.
Example: The journalist was fired for creating counterfeit news about the political scandal.

14. Spurious News

When to use: Used for news that is not genuine and lacks authenticity or validity.
Example: The spurious news article misled many readers about the environmental issue.

15. Inaccurate News

When to use: Suitable for news that contains errors, inaccuracies, or incorrect information.
Example: The organization apologized for publishing inaccurate news about the event.

Linda Brown