What Is Another Way to Say “Interpersonal Skills”?

Looking for synonyms for interpersonal skills? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say interpersonal skills.

  • Social skills
  • People skills
  • Communication skills
  • Soft skills
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Relational abilities
  • Teamwork abilities
  • Collaborative skills
  • Diplomatic skills
  • Conflict resolution skills
  • Negotiation skills
  • Empathy
  • Active listening skills
  • Persuasive skills
  • Rapport-building skills

Want to learn how to say interpersonal skills professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Social Skills

Usage: Suitable for general interactions and relationships in personal and professional settings.
Example: “Her excellent social skills make her a great team leader and communicator.”

2. People Skills

Usage: Ideal for emphasizing abilities in understanding, relating to, and communicating with others.
Example: “His people skills are evident in how he manages client relationships.”

3. Communication Skills

Usage: Appropriate for both verbal and non-verbal interactions in various contexts.
Example: “Effective communication skills are essential for success in customer service roles.”

4. Soft Skills

Usage: Suitable for a broad set of personal attributes that enhance interactions, job performance, and career prospects.
Example: “The job requires strong soft skills, including adaptability and problem-solving.”

5. Emotional Intelligence

Usage: Ideal for the ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions and those of others.
Example: “Her emotional intelligence allows her to navigate complex team dynamics smoothly.”

6. Relational Abilities

Usage: Appropriate for skills involved in forming and maintaining positive relationships.
Example: “His relational abilities contribute significantly to a collaborative workplace culture.”

7. Teamwork Abilities

Usage: Suitable for skills that facilitate effective and harmonious group work.
Example: “Her teamwork abilities were crucial in coordinating the successful project completion.”

8. Collaborative Skills

Usage: Ideal for working effectively with others towards a common goal.
Example: “Collaborative skills are essential in our cross-functional project teams.”

9. Diplomatic Skills

Usage: Appropriate for managing sensitive situations or negotiations tactfully.
Example: “His diplomatic skills were key in resolving the inter-departmental conflict.”

10. Conflict Resolution Skills

Usage: Suitable for effectively managing and resolving disagreements.
Example: “She utilized her conflict resolution skills to address and solve workplace disputes.”

11. Negotiation Skills

Usage: Ideal for reaching agreements or compromises in professional settings.
Example: “His negotiation skills helped close several important deals for the company.”

12. Empathy

Usage: Appropriate for the ability to understand and share the feelings of others.
Example: “Empathy is crucial for customer support roles to effectively address client concerns.”

13. Active Listening Skills

Usage: Suitable for fully concentrating, understanding, and responding thoughtfully during conversations.
Example: “Active listening skills are vital for consultants to accurately assess client needs.”

14. Persuasive Skills

Usage: Ideal for the ability to convince others to consider or adopt a new perspective or approach.
Example: “Her persuasive skills were instrumental in winning stakeholder support for the new initiative.”

15. Rapport-Building Skills

Usage: Appropriate for establishing a connection or understanding with others.
Example: “Building strong client relationships relies heavily on effective rapport-building skills.”

Linda Brown