What Is Another Way to Say “In the Wake Of”?

Looking for synonyms for in the wake of? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say in the wake of.

  • Following
  • After
  • As a result of
  • Subsequent to
  • In the aftermath of
  • Post
  • Consequent to
  • On the heels of
  • In response to
  • In light of
  • Upon the conclusion of
  • Succeeding
  • In the shadow of
  • In the aftermath of
  • In consequence of

Want to learn how to say in the wake of professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Following

Use to indicate something happening after a specific event or time.
Example: Following the merger, the company saw a significant increase in market share.

2. After

Use to denote a sequence where something occurs subsequent to a particular event.
Example: After the product launch, customer feedback was overwhelmingly positive.

3. As a result of

Use when indicating a direct consequence or effect of a prior event.
Example: As a result of the new regulations, the company revised its compliance policies.

4. Subsequent to

Use to denote an occurrence that follows and is caused by a prior event.
Example: Subsequent to the CEO’s resignation, the board appointed an interim leader.

5. In the aftermath of

Use when referring to the period following a significant or traumatic event.
Example: In the aftermath of the financial crisis, the firm implemented major cost-cutting measures.

6. Post

Use as a prefix to denote the period after a specific event or time.
Example: Post-acquisition, the company expanded its operations into new markets.

7. Consequent to

Use to describe something that happens as a consequence of another event.
Example: Consequent to the market analysis, the decision was made to diversify the product line.

8. On the heels of

Use to indicate something happening directly after and often as a result of another event.
Example: On the heels of the successful campaign, the marketing team launched a new advertising strategy.

9. In response to

Use when an action or change occurs as a reaction to a prior event.
Example: In response to customer feedback, the software interface was significantly improved.

10. In light of

Use when considering or because of a particular fact or event.
Example: In light of the recent data breach, the company enhanced its cybersecurity protocols.

11. Upon the conclusion of

Use to indicate an event or action occurring immediately after another event ends.
Example: Upon the conclusion of the merger, several new executive positions were created.

12. Succeeding

Use to describe something that comes after and often as a result of a prior event.
Example: Succeeding the policy changes, there was an increase in employee satisfaction.

13. In the shadow of

Use to describe an event or situation occurring in the context of a larger or more significant event.
Example: In the shadow of the economic downturn, the company managed to maintain steady growth.

14. In the aftermath of

Use to describe the period or situation that follows and is affected by a significant event.
Example: In the aftermath of the merger, the organization underwent a comprehensive restructuring.

15. In consequence of

Use to denote an event or situation that is the result of something else.
Example: In consequence of the new trade agreement, the company gained access to emerging markets.

Linda Brown