What Is Another Way to Say “Held Accountable”?

Looking for synonyms for held accountable? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say held accountable.

  • Held responsible
  • Made answerable
  • Liable
  • Accountable
  • Answerable
  • Chargeable
  • Responsible
  • Obligated
  • Blameworthy
  • Subject to
  • On the hook for
  • At fault
  • Culpable
  • Amenable
  • Implicated
  • Bound by duty
  • Legally responsible

Want to learn how to say held accountable professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Held responsible

Used in situations where someone must accept responsibility for their actions or decisions.
Example: “The project manager was held responsible for the delay in the project timeline.”

2. Made answerable

Appropriate when someone is required to explain or justify their actions or decisions.
Example: “The finance team was made answerable for the discrepancies found in the budget report.”

3. Liable

Used in legal or formal contexts to indicate legal responsibility.
Example: “The company may be liable for damages if it breaches the contract.”

4. Accountable

Suitable for a broad range of situations where someone must take responsibility for their actions.
Example: “Managers are accountable for their team’s performance and productivity.”

5. Answerable

Used when someone must provide a response or justification for something.
Example: “The marketing director is answerable to the CEO for the campaign’s results.”

6. Chargeable

Appropriate in contexts involving financial or legal accountability.
Example: “The accountant is chargeable for ensuring tax compliance.”

7. Responsible

Used in both formal and informal settings to denote a duty or obligation.
Example: “The safety officer is responsible for enforcing workplace health and safety standards.”

8. Obligated

Appropriate when someone is bound by a legal, moral, or ethical duty.
Example: “As a board member, you are obligated to act in the best interest of the shareholders.”

9. Blameworthy

Used when assigning fault or blame for a negative outcome.
Example: “The investigation found the engineer blameworthy for the structural failure.”

10. Subject to

Indicates being under a specific requirement or rule.
Example: “All employees are subject to the company’s code of conduct.”

11. On the hook for

Informal way to indicate responsibility, often for a mistake or debt.
Example: “The vendor is on the hook for the late delivery of supplies.”

12. At fault

Used when someone is responsible for a mistake or wrongdoing.
Example: “The supervisor was found at fault for the security lapse.”

13. Culpable

Appropriate in legal or serious contexts for indicating guilt or responsibility for a fault or wrong.
Example: “The firm is culpable for violating industry regulations.”

14. Amenable

Indicates willingness to be held accountable or responsive to advice or authority.
Example: “The new manager is amenable to feedback and constructive criticism.”

15. Implicated

Used when someone is involved in a situation, especially a problematic one.
Example: “Several employees were implicated in the data breach incident.”

16. Bound by duty

Indicates a responsibility tied to one’s role or position.
Example: “As the lead auditor, you are bound by duty to report any financial irregularities.”

17. Legally responsible

Used in contexts where legal obligations or duties are involved.
Example: “The manufacturer is legally responsible for any defects in its products.”

Linda Brown