What Is Another Way to Say “Have to Do With”?

Looking for synonyms for have to do with? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say have to do with.

  • Relate to
  • Pertain to
  • Concern
  • Be about
  • Involve
  • Deal with
  • Be related to
  • Be connected to
  • Be associated with
  • Bear on
  • Be pertinent to
  • Be relevant to
  • Be in relation to
  • Touch on
  • Be involved with
  • Be concerned with
  • Revolve around
  • Center on
  • Be linked to
  • Correlate with

Want to learn how to say have to do with professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Relate to

Used when describing a direct or indirect connection between subjects.
Example: “The new policy changes relate to the company’s environmental goals.”

2. Pertain to

Ideal for formal discussions or documents, indicating relevance to a specific matter.
Example: “The documents you requested pertain to the client’s case history.”

3. Concern

Used when the subject has a direct impact or importance to another topic.
Example: “The budget revisions primarily concern the marketing department.”

4. Be about

Informal and versatile, used to describe the general topic or subject matter.
Example: “The meeting today is about streamlining our workflow processes.”

5. Involve

Suitable when the subject includes or requires the inclusion of specific elements or people.
Example: “The project will involve several departments, including R&D and sales.”

6. Deal with

Commonly used in spoken language, indicating the subject being addressed or handled.
Example: “In tomorrow’s meeting, we will deal with the recent audit findings.”

Used to indicate a connection or relevance between two or more subjects.
Example: “Her research is closely related to environmental conservation strategies.”

8. Be connected to

Indicates a direct or indirect linkage between topics or subjects.
Example: “His expertise is connected to digital marketing and e-commerce.”

9. Be associated with

Suitable for describing a relationship or connection, often used in formal contexts.
Example: “This law firm is associated with several high-profile corporate cases.”

10. Bear on

Typically used in formal or technical contexts, indicating influence or relevance.
Example: “These findings will bear on our decision to expand into new markets.”

11. Be pertinent to

Used in formal settings to indicate direct relevance or importance.
Example: “Your feedback is pertinent to the improvements we’re making in customer service.”

12. Be relevant to

Widely applicable, indicating that a subject has significance or applicability to another.
Example: “The new tax laws are relevant to our fiscal planning for the next quarter.”

13. Be in relation to

Formal and precise, used to describe a specific connection or reference.
Example: “The employee benefits discussion is in relation to the recent HR policy updates.”

14. Touch on

Used when a subject is briefly or indirectly mentioned or addressed.
Example: “The presentation will touch on the various challenges faced by the industry.”

15. Be involved with

Indicates participation or inclusion in a particular subject or activity.
Example: “Our team is heavily involved with developing the new software platform.”

16. Be concerned with

Used when a subject is of interest or importance to another topic.
Example: “The audit is primarily concerned with assessing financial compliance.”

17. Revolve around

Indicates that a subject is central or of primary importance to another topic.
Example: “The conference will revolve around innovative sustainability practices.”

18. Center on

Used when the focus is squarely on a specific topic or issue.
Example: “Discussions will center on the proposed merger between the two companies.”

19. Be linked to

Indicates a connection, often used in discussions of cause and effect.
Example: “Increased sales are directly linked to the new marketing strategy.”

20. Correlate with

Used in analytical or statistical contexts to indicate a relationship between variables.
Example: “Employee satisfaction scores correlate with overall productivity levels.”

Linda Brown