What Is Another Way to Say “Hard to Find”?

Looking for synonyms for hard to find? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say hard to find.

  • Scarce
  • Rare
  • Elusive
  • Uncommon
  • Infrequent
  • Sparse
  • Limited
  • Few and far between
  • Hard to come by
  • Unusual
  • Seldom
  • Precious
  • Exclusive
  • Unique
  • In short supply

Want to learn how to say hard to find professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Scarce

Appropriate for items or resources that are in short supply and difficult to find.

  • Example: “Skilled Java developers are becoming increasingly scarce in the industry.”

2. Rare

Used for situations or items that are not common and seen only infrequently.

  • Example: “Finding a first edition of this book is extremely rare.”

3. Elusive

Suitable for something that is difficult to find, catch, or achieve.

  • Example: “The elusive nature of the software bug made it hard to fix.”

4. Uncommon

Refers to things that are out of the ordinary and not frequently encountered.

  • Example: “An uncommon skill set can make a candidate stand out in the job market.”

5. Infrequent

Appropriate for events or occurrences that do not happen often.

  • Example: “Infrequent updates to the software can lead to security vulnerabilities.”

6. Sparse

Used when something is thinly dispersed or scattered, making it hard to find.

  • Example: “The sparse distribution of charging stations is a challenge for electric vehicle users.”

7. Limited

Refers to things that are not readily available or provided in restricted quantities.

  • Example: “We are facing a limited supply of raw materials for production.”

8. Few and far between

Suitable for events or items that are rare and happen or exist only at great intervals.

  • Example: “Opportunities like this are few and far between in our industry.”

9. Hard to come by

Used for something that is difficult to find or obtain.

  • Example: “Experienced and trustworthy consultants are hard to come by.”

10. Unusual

Appropriate for something that is not customary or common.

  • Example: “It’s unusual to find such advanced features in entry-level software.”

11. Seldom

Used for something that happens rarely or infrequently.

  • Example: “Seldom do we encounter such a challenging market scenario.”

12. Precious

Suitable for items that are not only rare but also highly valued.

  • Example: “Precious materials like this are used only in high-end products.”

13. Exclusive

Refers to something that is limited to certain people or groups, often implying rarity.

  • Example: “They offer exclusive access to software tools not available to the general public.”

14. Unique

Appropriate for something that is one of a kind or not common.

  • Example: “Her approach to the problem was unique, leading to an innovative solution.”

15. In short supply

Used for something that is available only in limited quantities.

  • Example: “With components in short supply, production delays are inevitable.”

Linda Brown