What Is Another Way to Say “Happening at the Same Time”?

Looking for synonyms for happening at the same time? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say happening at the same time.

  • Concurrent
  • Simultaneous
  • Synchronous
  • Coexistent
  • Coincident
  • Co-occurring
  • Contemporaneous
  • Coeval
  • Parallel
  • In sync
  • Coextensive
  • Concomitant
  • In tandem
  • At the same instant
  • Collateral

Want to learn how to say happening at the same time professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Concurrent

Appropriate Use: Suitable for events or activities happening at the same time, especially in legal or formal contexts.
Example: The CEO attended two concurrent meetings by dividing the time equally between them.

2. Simultaneous

Appropriate Use: Ideal for events or actions occurring at exactly the same moment in time.
Example: The company launched its product in three different countries in a simultaneous release.

3. Synchronous

Appropriate Use: Best for events or processes that operate at the same rate and exactly together.
Example: The team worked in a synchronous manner to ensure the project was completed efficiently.

4. Coexistent

Appropriate Use: Suitable for entities or circumstances that exist together at the same time or place.
Example: The company’s new policy on remote work allowed for coexistent office-based and remote teams.

5. Coincident

Appropriate Use: Ideal for events or situations that occur together by chance or simultaneously.
Example: The coincident scheduling of two major industry conferences posed a dilemma for attendees.

6. Co-occurring

Appropriate Use: Suitable for events or conditions that happen alongside each other or are associated.
Example: The research focused on the co-occurring trends in technology and consumer behavior.

7. Contemporaneous

Appropriate Use: Best for events, periods, or phenomena occurring or existing during the same time period.
Example: The contemporaneous development of similar technologies by different companies sparked legal disputes.

8. Coeval

Appropriate Use: Suitable for events or periods that are of the same age or duration.
Example: The coeval launch of competing products led to a significant marketing battle.

9. Parallel

Appropriate Use: Ideal for events or processes that are similar and occur at the same time but are independent.
Example: The company’s parallel initiatives in different departments aimed to increase overall efficiency.

10. In Sync

Appropriate Use: Best for actions or processes that are happening at the same time in a coordinated manner.
Example: The international offices worked in sync to coordinate the global marketing strategy.

11. Coextensive

Appropriate Use: Suitable for periods or events that are equal in extent, duration, or scope.
Example: The CEO’s tenure was coextensive with the company’s most rapid period of growth.

12. Concomitant

Appropriate Use: Ideal for events or conditions occurring or existing concurrently, often in a causally related manner.
Example: The expansion of the company was concomitant with an increase in its workforce.

13. In Tandem

Appropriate Use: Suitable for actions or processes working together or happening simultaneously.
Example: The two departments worked in tandem to ensure the success of the project.

14. At the Same Instant

Appropriate Use: Best for emphasizing the exact moment when multiple events occur simultaneously.
Example: The global branches of the company launched the campaign at the same instant, creating a worldwide impact.

15. Collateral

Appropriate Use: Ideal for events or circumstances that accompany each other but are not necessarily directly related.
Example: The collateral effects of the new policy were observed in different departments simultaneously.

Linda Brown