What Is Another Way to Say “Hang Out”?

Looking for synonyms for hang out? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say hang out.

  • Spend time
  • Socialize
  • Associate
  • Mingle
  • Fraternize
  • Congregate
  • Chill
  • Relax
  • Gather
  • Meet up
  • Commune
  • Loiter
  • Linger
  • Frequent
  • Hobnob

Want to learn how to say hang out professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Spend Time

Appropriate for a general description of being in someone’s company, typically in a casual or leisurely manner.
Example: “We like to spend time with our colleagues after work on Fridays to unwind.”

2. Socialize

Used when interacting with others in a friendly or social manner, often in informal gatherings.
Example: “The company encourages employees to socialize during lunch breaks to build team spirit.”

3. Associate

Ideal for professional contexts where individuals interact with each other, not necessarily in a formal setting.
Example: “After conferences, it’s common for attendees to associate with peers from other organizations.”

4. Mingle

Suitable for situations where people mix socially, especially at events or gatherings.
Example: “At the networking event, we had the opportunity to mingle with industry leaders.”

5. Fraternize

Used in contexts where people engage in friendly association, often outside of professional duties.
Example: “The team members fraternize at the annual retreat, strengthening their bonds.”

6. Congregate

Appropriate for a group of people gathering together, typically in a formal setting or for a specific purpose.
Example: “Employees congregate in the meeting room every Monday for the weekly briefing.”

7. Chill

A casual term used for relaxing or spending downtime, often with friends or colleagues.
Example: “After work, some of us chill in the café to discuss non-work-related topics.”

8. Relax

Used for activities or situations where people unwind or engage in leisurely activities.
Example: “The company lounge area is a place where employees can relax during breaks.”

9. Gather

Suitable for a variety of situations where people come together, either formally or informally.
Example: “We will gather in the conference room at 3 PM for the team meeting.”

10. Meet Up

Used for arranging to come together with someone, typically in an informal setting.
Example: “We plan to meet up after work to celebrate the project’s completion.”

11. Commune

Ideal for situations where people come together for conversation and camaraderie, often in a relaxed setting.
Example: “On weekends, the staff like to commune at a local park for a picnic.”

12. Loiter

A less formal term, often used for spending time idly or without a specific purpose.
Example: “The interns tend to loiter in the hallway, discussing their assignments.”

13. Linger

Used when people stay in a place longer than necessary, often for informal interactions.
Example: “After the seminar, several participants lingered to ask questions to the speaker.”

14. Frequent

Appropriate for regularly visiting a particular place, often used in the context of social venues.
Example: “Our team frequently visits the café down the street for informal meetings.”

15. Hobnob

Used in contexts where people socialize or network, especially with those of higher status or influence.
Example: “At the gala, some of our executives had the chance to hobnob with industry moguls.”

Linda Brown