What Is Another Way to Say “Did Not”?

Looking for synonyms for did not? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say did not.

  • Failed to
  • Neglected to
  • Did not manage to
  • Was unable to
  • Refrained from
  • Omitted to
  • Skipped
  • Avoided
  • Abstained from
  • Bypassed
  • Forwent
  • Withheld
  • Evaded
  • Shunned
  • Declined
  • Missed
  • Spurned
  • Forewent
  • Passed up
  • Eschewed

Want to learn how to say did not professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Failed to

When to Use: Suitable for not achieving or not succeeding in doing something.
Example: “The company failed to meet its quarterly sales targets.”

2. Neglected to

When to Use: Appropriate for not giving proper attention or care to something that is one’s responsibility.
Example: “He neglected to update the client on the project’s progress.”

3. Did Not Manage to

When to Use: Best used for not being able to accomplish something.
Example: “She did not manage to complete the report by the deadline.”

4. Was Unable to

When to Use: Suitable for not having the means, knowledge, or opportunity to do something.
Example: “The team was unable to resolve the technical issue before the end of the day.”

5. Refrained from

When to Use: Appropriate for deliberately not doing something.
Example: “The manager refrained from making a decision until all proposals were reviewed.”

6. Omitted to

When to Use: Best used for leaving something out or failing to include something.
Example: “He omitted to mention the key risks in the project overview.”

7. Skipped

When to Use: Suitable for missing out on something or not doing something.
Example: “She skipped the routine check of the equipment, leading to operational issues.”

8. Avoided

When to Use: Appropriate for keeping away from or stopping oneself from doing something.
Example: “The speaker avoided technical jargon to make the presentation understandable.”

9. Abstained from

When to Use: Best used for refraining deliberately from doing something.
Example: “He abstained from voting on the proposal due to a conflict of interest.”

10. Bypassed

When to Use: Suitable for avoiding something by going around it.
Example: “The team bypassed the usual approval process in the interest of time.”

11. Forwent

When to Use: Appropriate for giving up or going without.
Example: “She forwent her bonus to ensure her team members could receive theirs.”

12. Withheld

When to Use: Best used for refraining from giving something that is due or expected.
Example: “The company withheld the product release due to last-minute defects.”

13. Evaded

When to Use: Suitable for escaping or avoiding something, especially by guile or trickery.
Example: “The CEO evaded answering direct questions about the merger.”

14. Shunned

When to Use: Appropriate for persistently avoiding, ignoring, or rejecting someone or something.
Example: “He shunned traditional marketing techniques in favor of digital channels.”

15. Declined

When to Use: Best used for politely refusing to accept or do something.
Example: “She declined the offer to participate in the new project.”

16. Missed

When to Use: Suitable for failing to attend, participate in, or experience.
Example: “He missed the deadline for the grant application.”

17. Spurned

When to Use: Appropriate for rejecting with disdain or contempt.
Example: “The board spurned the initial proposal for restructuring.”

18. Forewent

When to Use: Best used for going without or refraining from.
Example: “They forewent the usual celebrations due to budget constraints.”

19. Passed up

When to Use: Suitable for failing to take advantage of an opportunity.
Example: “She passed up the chance to lead the new project.”

20. Eschewed

When to Use: Appropriate for deliberately avoiding or abstaining from.
Example: “The company eschewed traditional advertising in favor of social media marketing.”

Linda Brown