What Is Another Way to Say “Going Back To”?

Looking for synonyms for going back to? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say going back to.

  • Returning to
  • Revisiting
  • Harking back to
  • Regressing to
  • Retrogressing to
  • Recurring to
  • Reverting to
  • Resorting to
  • Relapsing into
  • Reverting back to
  • Falling back on
  • Reassuming
  • Repatriating to
  • Recollecting
  • Retracing to

Want to learn how to say going back to professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Returning to

Appropriate when referring to coming back to a place, topic, or activity.

  • Example: “After her vacation, she is returning to her duties as the team leader.”

2. Revisiting

Used when discussing the act of considering or examining something again, especially from a different perspective.

  • Example: “In our next meeting, we will be revisiting the budget allocation for this project.”

3. Harking back to

Ideal for referencing a return to an earlier point in time or situation, often in a reflective manner.

  • Example: “His latest work harks back to the traditional values of the company.”

4. Regressing to

Used when indicating a return to a less developed or less successful state.

  • Example: “In times of crisis, companies risk regressing to outdated business practices.”

5. Retrogressing to

Suitable for describing a return to an earlier and typically less advanced state or condition.

  • Example: “The project seemed to retrogress to the initial planning stages after the feedback.”

6. Recurring to

Appropriate for indicating a return to a thought, subject, or strategy repeatedly.

  • Example: “The team kept recurring to the original concept during the brainstorming session.”

7. Reverting to

Used when indicating a return to a former state, practice, or topic.

  • Example: “Due to the system failure, we are reverting to manual data entry for now.”

8. Resorting to

Ideal for situations where there is a return to something, especially something less preferable, as a last resort.

  • Example: “We are resorting to traditional marketing methods after the digital campaign’s limited success.”

9. Relapsing into

Used when someone or something falls back into a previous condition or habit, usually a negative one.

  • Example: “There’s a concern that the team might relapse into old inefficient work habits.”

10. Reverting back to

Similar to reverting, it emphasizes returning to a previous state or practice.

  • Example: “We are reverting back to the previous software version after encountering bugs.”

11. Falling back on

Suitable for situations where there is a return to something dependable or familiar in difficult times.

  • Example: “In uncertain market conditions, investors are falling back on more stable stocks.”

12. Reassuming

Appropriate for taking up or returning to a position or status again.

  • Example: “He will reassume his role as CEO after a six-month sabbatical.”

13. Repatriating to

Used primarily in the context of returning to one’s country of origin.

  • Example: “After years abroad, she is repatriating to her home country for her new job.”

14. Recollecting

Ideal for the act of remembering or returning to a memory or past experience.

  • Example: “In her memoirs, she recollects her early years in the industry.”

15. Retracing to

Used when going back over a path or steps previously taken.

  • Example: “To understand the error, we are retracing to the initial stages of the project.”

Linda Brown