What Is Another Way to Say “Dilly Dally”?

Looking for synonyms for dilly dally? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say dilly dally.

  • Procrastinate
  • Dawdle
  • Linger
  • Loiter
  • Drag one’s feet
  • Dally
  • Lollygag
  • Tarry
  • Waste time
  • Hesitate
  • Stall
  • Delay
  • Amble
  • Meander
  • Saunter
  • Shilly-shally
  • Dither
  • Poter
  • Fritter away time
  • Loll

Want to learn how to say dilly dally professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Procrastinate

When to Use: Suitable for delaying or postponing something.
Example: “He tends to procrastinate when faced with difficult decisions.”

2. Dawdle

When to Use: Appropriate for wasting time or being slow.
Example: “We can’t afford to dawdle on this project; the deadline is approaching.”

3. Linger

When to Use: Best used for staying in a place longer than necessary.
Example: “After the meeting ended, she lingered to discuss the project details with her team.”

4. Loiter

When to Use: Suitable for spending time idly or without purpose.
Example: “The employees were cautioned against loitering in the office corridors during work hours.”

5. Drag One’s Feet

When to Use: Appropriate for delaying action or being slow to act.
Example: “The team is dragging its feet on implementing the new procedures.”

6. Dally

When to Use: Best used for acting or moving slowly.
Example: “We cannot dally in making a decision; time is of the essence.”

7. Lollygag

When to Use: Suitable for spending time aimlessly or idly.
Example: “There’s no time to lollygag; we have a tight schedule to keep.”

8. Tarry

When to Use: Appropriate for delaying or being slow to act.
Example: “Do not tarry in delivering the report; it’s urgently needed.”

9. Waste Time

When to Use: Best used for using time unproductively.
Example: “Wasting time on trivial tasks can delay more important work.”

10. Hesitate

When to Use: Suitable for pausing before saying or doing something.
Example: “Don’t hesitate to bring forward any concerns you have about the project.”

11. Stall

When to Use: Appropriate for delaying by being evasive or not acting promptly.
Example: “She suspected her colleague was stalling to avoid completing the task.”

12. Delay

When to Use: Best used for making something happen later than planned.
Example: “The unforeseen issues will delay the project’s completion.”

13. Amble

When to Use: Suitable for walking or moving at a slow, relaxed pace.
Example: “He ambled through the tasks without any sense of urgency.”

14. Meander

When to Use: Appropriate for proceeding aimlessly or with little purpose.
Example: “The team meandered through the planning phase without clear direction.”

15. Saunter

When to Use: Best used for walking in a slow, relaxed manner.
Example: “He sauntered into the meeting, unaware of the urgency of the situation.”

16. Shilly-Shally

When to Use: Suitable for showing indecision or hesitation.
Example: “We can’t afford to shilly-shally on this critical decision.”

17. Dither

When to Use: Appropriate for being indecisive.
Example: “The manager shouldn’t dither over the choice of the new software system.”

18. Poter

When to Use: Best used for spending time in a leisurely or aimless manner.
Example: “He was pottering around the office without any clear task.”

19. Fritter Away Time

When to Use: Suitable for wasting time on unimportant things.
Example: “Frittering away time on emails can prevent you from focusing on more important work.”

20. Loll

When to Use: Appropriate for spending time in a relaxed or lazy manner.
Example: “She was found lolling in the break room instead of working on her urgent tasks.”

Linda Brown