What Is Another Way to Say “De-Emphasize”?

Looking for synonyms for de-emphasize? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say de-emphasize.

  • Downplay
  • Understate
  • Play down
  • Soft-pedal
  • Minimize
  • Underemphasize
  • Diminish
  • Trivialize
  • Lessen
  • Mitigate
  • Belittle
  • Subdue
  • Moderate
  • Reduce
  • Tone down

Want to learn how to say de-emphasize professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Downplay

Appropriate Use: Suitable for making a situation or issue seem less important or serious than it actually is.
Example: “The company spokesperson tried to downplay the impact of the data breach on customer privacy.”

2. Understate

Appropriate Use: Ideal for describing a situation less strongly or significantly than it really is.
Example: “The report understated the success of the new product launch to manage shareholder expectations.”

3. Play Down

Appropriate Use: Best used for intentionally making something seem less important or serious.
Example: “The manager played down the urgency of the issue to avoid panic among the staff.”

4. Soft-pedal

Appropriate Use: Suitable for reducing the force or emphasis of something, often to avoid offending or alarming others.
Example: “In the meeting, he soft-pedaled his criticism to maintain team morale.”

5. Minimize

Appropriate Use: Ideal for making something appear smaller or less significant.
Example: “The PR team’s strategy was to minimize the negative press surrounding the event.”

6. Underemphasize

Appropriate Use: Used when less importance is given to something than is warranted.
Example: “The presentation underemphasized the risks involved in the new venture.”

7. Diminish

Appropriate Use: Suitable for making something seem smaller or less important.
Example: “The company’s consistent success helped to diminish concerns about market volatility.”

8. Trivialize

Appropriate Use: Best for making something seem less complex or serious than it really is.
Example: “Critics accused the documentary of trivializing the complexities of the political situation.”

9. Lessen

Appropriate Use: Ideal for making something seem smaller, weaker, or less important.
Example: “The CEO’s statement aimed to lessen investor worries about the upcoming merger.”

10. Mitigate

Appropriate Use: Suitable for making something less severe, serious, or painful.
Example: “The company took steps to mitigate the negative impact of the restructuring on employees.”

11. Belittle

Appropriate Use: Used when making something or someone seem unimportant or not worth considering.
Example: “During negotiations, it’s unwise to belittle the concerns of the other party.”

12. Subdue

Appropriate Use: Best for making something less intense or noticeable.
Example: “She subdued her reaction to the feedback to maintain a professional demeanor.”

13. Moderate

Appropriate Use: Suitable for making something less extreme or intense.
Example: “The mediator worked to moderate the tone of the discussion during the conflict resolution session.”

14. Reduce

Appropriate Use: Ideal for making something smaller in size, amount, or extent.
Example: “The report aimed to reduce the complexity of the technical information for a broader audience.”

15. Tone Down

Appropriate Use: Used for making something less forceful or offensive.
Example: “The advertising team was advised to tone down the language of the campaign to appeal to a wider audience.”

Linda Brown