What Is Another Way to Say “Be Sure”?

Looking for synonyms for be sure? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say be sure.

  • Be certain
  • Be confident
  • Be convinced
  • Be positive
  • Have no doubt
  • Rest assured
  • Be assured
  • Be secure
  • Be definite
  • Be unwavering

Want to learn how to say be sure professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Be Certain

“Be certain” is used when you are completely sure about something without any doubt.

  • Example: Before we proceed, be certain about the data accuracy in the report.

2. Be Confident

“Be confident” suggests having strong belief or full assurance in something.

  • Example: You can be confident that our team will meet the project deadlines.

3. Be Convinced

“Be convinced” means being fully persuaded or assured about something.

  • Example: After reviewing the market analysis, I am convinced that our strategy will succeed.

4. Be Positive

“Be positive” implies maintaining a sure and optimistic attitude about something.

  • Example: Be positive about the changes; they are likely to improve our workflow.

5. Have No Doubt

“Have no doubt” is used to emphasize certainty and the absence of skepticism.

  • Example: Have no doubt about the commitment of our staff to customer satisfaction.

6. Rest Assured

“Rest assured” is a phrase used to assure someone that their concerns are unnecessary and everything is under control.

  • Example: Rest assured, the issue you reported has been resolved by our technical team.

7. Be Assured

“Be assured” means to have confidence in a particular outcome or situation.

  • Example: Be assured that the security protocols we have in place are extremely robust.

8. Be Secure

“Be secure” suggests being free from doubt or reservations about something.

  • Example: We can be secure in our investment; the returns are guaranteed.

9. Be Definite

“Be definite” implies having no ambiguity or uncertainty about something.

  • Example: Be definite about your requirements so we can tailor the service to your needs.

10. Be Unwavering

“Be unwavering” means being firm and steadfast in belief or determination.

  • Example: The management is unwavering in its commitment to ethical business practices.

Linda Brown