What Is Another Way to Say “Basically”?

Looking for synonyms for basically? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say basically.

  • Essentially
  • Fundamentally
  • Primarily
  • At heart
  • In essence
  • Predominantly
  • Chiefly
  • Principally
  • At bottom
  • Largely
  • Mainly
  • At its core
  • Inherently
  • Overall
  • At the end of the day
  • In the main
  • On the whole
  • By and large
  • In general
  • For the most part

Want to learn how to say basically professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Essentially

Appropriate Use: When indicating the intrinsic, fundamental nature or most important aspect of something.
Example: “Essentially, the project focuses on environmental sustainability.”

2. Fundamentally

Appropriate Use: To stress the basic, underlying or central nature of a subject.
Example: “Fundamentally, our strategy is about innovation and efficiency.”

3. Primarily

Appropriate Use: When something is mainly or chiefly the case.
Example: “The conference is primarily concerned with cyber security issues.”

4. At heart

Appropriate Use: To emphasize the core or true nature of a subject, often despite appearances.
Example: “At heart, the policy aims to promote equality in the workplace.”

5. In essence

Appropriate Use: To get to the crux or the most important part of a matter.
Example: “In essence, the new law simplifies the tax filing process.”

6. Predominantly

Appropriate Use: When something is dominant or most common in a situation.
Example: “Our clientele is predominantly from the technology sector.”

7. Chiefly

Appropriate Use: To signify that something is most importantly or primarily the case.
Example: “The marketing campaign is chiefly focused on digital platforms.”

8. Principally

Appropriate Use: To indicate that something is true for the most part.
Example: “The company is principally engaged in software development.”

9. At bottom

Appropriate Use: To emphasize the fundamental or true nature of something, often used in discussions or analyses.
Example: “At bottom, the initiative is about driving sustainable growth.”

10. Largely

Appropriate Use: When describing something as mostly or significantly true.
Example: “The project’s success is largely due to our team’s dedication.”

11. Mainly

Appropriate Use: To indicate the main part or majority of something.
Example: “Our research mainly focuses on renewable energy solutions.”

12. At its core

Appropriate Use: To emphasize the central, most important part of something.
Example: “At its core, the program is designed to empower young entrepreneurs.”

13. Inherently

Appropriate Use: When referring to a natural, essential part or quality of something.
Example: “The proposal is inherently beneficial for the long-term growth of the company.”

14. Overall

Appropriate Use: To describe considering everything or on the whole.
Example: “Overall, the merger will positively impact our market position.”

15. At the end of the day

Appropriate Use: Used to signify what is ultimately important after considering all aspects.
Example: “At the end of the day, customer satisfaction is our top priority.”

16. In the main

Appropriate Use: When something is generally or mostly the case.
Example: “In the main, our findings support the initial hypothesis.”

17. On the whole

Appropriate Use: To indicate the general or overall situation.
Example: “On the whole, the conference provided valuable insights into industry trends.”

18. By and large

Appropriate Use: To express a general statement or summary of a situation.
Example: “By and large, the team’s performance has been exemplary.”

19. In general

Appropriate Use: To indicate a broad or general view of a subject.
Example: “In general, the data shows a positive trend in sales.”

20. For the most part

Appropriate Use: To convey that something is true in most instances or to a great extent.
Example: “For the most part, our strategies have been effective in reaching our goals.”

Linda Brown