What Is Another Way to Say “Attached”?

Looking for synonyms for attached? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say attached.

  • Connected
  • Joined
  • Affixed
  • Bonded
  • Linked
  • Adhered
  • Fastened
  • Secured
  • Tied
  • Clasped
  • Fused
  • Anchored
  • Latched
  • Hooked
  • Coupled

Want to learn how to say attached professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Connected

Use when: Describing something physically or metaphorically linked to another.
Example: “The printer is connected to the network for all employees to use.”

2. Joined

Use when: Two or more elements are brought together or united.
Example: “The two departments have joined forces to optimize the workflow.”

3. Affixed

Use when: An item is physically attached, often permanently, to another.
Example: “The label must be affixed to the top of the package.”

4. Bonded

Use when: Indicating a strong connection or attachment, often in a chemical or emotional context.
Example: “The team members are bonded through their shared commitment to the project.”

5. Linked

Use when: Referring to connections, often in a chain or in a digital context.
Example: “The database is linked to the application for real-time data access.”

6. Adhered

Use when: Something is attached or stuck to another surface, often using glue or another adhesive.
Example: “Ensure the notice is adhered to the board securely.”

7. Fastened

Use when: Something is securely attached, often using a device like a clip, buckle, or fastener.
Example: “The cables are fastened to the desk to avoid clutter.”

8. Secured

Use when: Referring to something firmly attached or made safe.
Example: “Confidential documents must be secured in the locked file cabinet.”

9. Tied

Use when: Joining or attaching things with rope, string, or a similar material.
Example: “The bundle of wires is neatly tied behind the computer desk.”

10. Clasped

Use when: Holding or gripping something tightly, often in a personal or intimate context.
Example: “She clasped the important documents in her hand as she presented to the board.”

11. Fused

Use when: Describing a permanent joining, often in a technical or industrial context.
Example: “The components are fused together to form a solid structure.”

12. Anchored

Use when: Something is held firmly in place, often used metaphorically in professional settings.
Example: “The strategy is anchored in comprehensive market research.”

13. Latched

Use when: Something is fastened, typically with a latch.
Example: “Ensure the file cabinet is properly latched after use.”

14. Hooked

Use when: Attached by a hook or in a manner resembling a hook.
Example: “The keys are hooked onto the board in the office.”

15. Coupled

Use when: Joining two things together, often in a mechanical or system context.
Example: “The new software is coupled with advanced analytics for better performance.”

Linda Brown