What Is Another Way to Say “Argues”?

Looking for synonyms for argues? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say argues.

  • Contends
  • Asserts
  • Claims
  • Maintains
  • Declares
  • States
  • Insists
  • Alleges
  • Proclaims
  • Affirms
  • Posits
  • Advocates
  • Disputes
  • Suggests
  • Opines

Want to learn how to say argues professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Contends

Use when: Indicating a strong belief or argument about something, often in a professional or formal setting.
Example: “The lawyer contends that the evidence presented is insufficient for a conviction.”

2. Asserts

Use when: Making a statement with confidence and certainty, typically in formal discussions or debates.
Example: “The scientist asserts that the new data supports the theory of climate change.”

3. Claims

Use when: Stating something as a fact, often without providing evidence or in situations where the truth is disputed.
Example: “The applicant claims to have ten years of industry experience.”

4. Maintains

Use when: Holding a position or opinion persistently, especially in the face of opposition or doubt.
Example: “The CEO maintains that the company’s new policy will increase productivity.”

5. Declares

Use when: Making a formal or official statement, often in a public or authoritative context.
Example: “The spokesperson declares a commitment to reducing emissions by 30% over the next five years.”

6. States

Use when: Presenting information clearly and straightforwardly, typically in formal or written communication.
Example: “The report states that the project will be completed by the end of the quarter.”

7. Insists

Use when: Emphasizing a point strongly, especially when there’s resistance or doubt from others.
Example: “The manager insists that all employees must comply with the new safety protocols.”

8. Alleges

Use when: Claiming that something is true, often in legal contexts, without having given proof yet.
Example: “The plaintiff alleges that the company violated labor laws.”

9. Proclaims

Use when: Announcing something important, often publicly or with a sense of formality.
Example: “The committee proclaims the launch of a new research initiative.”

10. Affirms

Use when: Stating something firmly and positively, often to support or uphold a belief or decision.
Example: “The board affirms its decision to invest in renewable energy resources.”

11. Posits

Use when: Proposing an idea, theory, or assumption for consideration, especially in academic or theoretical contexts.
Example: “The researcher posits a correlation between social media usage and decreased attention spans.”

12. Advocates

Use when: Actively supporting or arguing in favor of a particular cause, policy, or idea.
Example: “The lawyer advocates for stronger consumer protection laws.”

13. Disputes

Use when: Arguing against a point or idea, often in a formal debate or disagreement.
Example: “The economist disputes the claim that tax cuts will lead to economic growth.”

14. Suggests

Use when: Proposing a thought or idea in a more tentative or indirect manner.
Example: “The consultant suggests revising the marketing strategy to target a younger audience.”

15. Opines

Use when: Expressing an opinion or belief, typically in a somewhat formal or professional context.
Example: “The expert opines that the current market trends indicate a potential downturn.”

Linda Brown