What Is Another Way to Say “According To”?

Looking for synonyms for according to? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say according to.

  • As stated by
  • As per
  • In accordance with
  • Based on
  • As reported by
  • In the words of
  • Following
  • As indicated by
  • In line with
  • Consistent with
  • On the authority of
  • As mentioned by
  • In keeping with
  • In agreement with
  • As described by
  • In conformity with
  • As cited by
  • Under the guidance of
  • In the opinion of
  • As outlined by

Want to learn how to say according to professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. As Stated by

Use when: Referencing a specific statement made by someone.
Example: “As stated by the CEO, the company will focus on sustainable practices.”

2. As Per

Use when: Following instructions or information given by a source.
Example: “As per the client’s request, we have updated the design.”

3. In Accordance With

Use when: Something is done following certain rules, guidelines, or agreements.
Example: “The contract was terminated in accordance with the agreed terms.”

4. Based On

Use when: Something is derived from a specified source or evidence.
Example: “The new policy is based on recent market research findings.”

5. As Reported by

Use when: Citing information reported by a source, often used in news or research contexts.
Example: “As reported by the survey, employee satisfaction has significantly increased.”

6. In the Words of

Use when: Directly quoting or closely paraphrasing someone’s spoken or written words.
Example: “In the words of the expert, this technology is a game-changer.”

7. Following

Use when: Something occurs as a result of, or subsequent to, what was stated by someone.
Example: “Following the committee’s recommendations, the project’s scope was expanded.”

8. As Indicated by

Use when: Referring to evidence or signs shown by a particular source.
Example: “As indicated by the financial reports, the company’s revenue has increased.”

9. In Line With

Use when: Something is consistent with or matches a particular set of rules or ideas.
Example: “The new regulations are in line with international standards.”

10. Consistent With

Use when: Showing agreement or compatibility with previously mentioned information.
Example: “The findings are consistent with the initial hypothesis.”

11. On the Authority of

Use when: Using a source as an authoritative basis for information.
Example: “On the authority of the leading scientist, this method is the most effective.”

12. As Mentioned by

Use when: Referencing something that was previously stated by someone.
Example: “As mentioned by the manager, the meeting has been rescheduled.”

13. In Keeping With

Use when: Something conforms to or is in agreement with a particular standard or practice.
Example: “The procedures were updated in keeping with new industry regulations.”

14. In Agreement With

Use when: Showing concurrence or harmony with a statement or idea.
Example: “In agreement with the board’s decision, we will proceed with the merger.”

15. As Described by

Use when: Referring to a detailed account or description given by someone.
Example: “As described by the researcher, the experiment followed a strict protocol.”

16. In Conformity With

Use when: Something is in compliance with a rule, standard, or law.
Example: “The building plans were approved in conformity with local zoning laws.”

17. As Cited by

Use when: Making a reference to a source, particularly in academic or formal writing.
Example: “As cited by the study, this treatment has a 90% success rate.”

18. Under the Guidance of

Use when: Something is done following the direction or advice of a particular source.
Example: “The project was completed under the guidance of the advisory committee.”

19. In the Opinion of

Use when: Expressing a viewpoint or belief held by someone.
Example: “In the opinion of the consultant, the strategy is not viable.”

20. As Outlined by

Use when: Referring to a detailed plan or description provided by someone.
Example: “As outlined by the policy, employees are entitled to flexible working hours.”

Linda Brown