What Is Another Way to Say “Thanks for Catching That”?

So, someone pointed out an error you made in an email.

There’s nothing wrong with that, but you need to know how to thank someone for correcting your mistake politely and professionally.

If you’re worried thanks for catching that might not do the trick, you’re in the right place.

We’ll share some alternatives to help you sound as polite as possible.

8 Alternative Ways to Say “Thanks for Catching That”

Here are the 8 best phrases to replace thanks for catching that in your emails:

  • Thanks for noticing that
  • I appreciate your sharp eye
  • Thanks for highlighting the error
  • Good catch!
  • I appreciate you pointing that out
  • Thank you for pointing this out
  • I’m glad you picked up on that
  • Thanks for being so vigilant

1. Thanks for Noticing That

First, you can use thanks for noticing that as another way to say thanks for catching that.

It doesn’t change much about the original phrase, but it’s a great way to keep things formal and appreciative.

Try using it when a coworker corrects your mistake. It’s useful because it shows you appreciate their input, especially if they helped to make your work better.

This sample email will also help you to understand it:

Dear Madison,

Thanks for noticing that. I knew I could count on you to spot any small mistakes I might have made.

Best wishes,
Damon Sylvester

2. I Appreciate Your Sharp Eye

Knowing how to say thanks for catching that in an email is a lot easier when you try to compliment the recipient.

Something like I appreciate your sharp eye, does exactly that. It shows that you’re happy to hear feedback from the person you’ve emailed.

Try it when emailing a keen-eyed employee. It shows you respect their attention to detail and are very glad to see that they’ve picked out a small hole in your work.

You should also review this example to see how it works:

Dear Sue,

I appreciate your sharp eye. I knew you’d be the one to spot a typo if I sent you my work as written.

Thanks so much,
Ben Dickens

3. Thanks for Highlighting the Error

For a more simple yet formal synonym to thanks for catching that, try thanks for highlighting the error.

It’s much more specific, which tends to go a long way in most formal emails.

Generally, the phrase works best when thanking a coworker who you asked for help. If they found an error and pointed it out, this is a good way to share your appreciation.

Perhaps this sample email will also clear some things up:

Dear Carla,

Thanks for highlighting the error. I’ll be sure to correct it immediately to prevent further problems.

Best regards,
Daniel Evans

4. Good Catch!

It’s one thing to know how to say thanks for catching that professionally, but it’s another to know how to say it informally.

Sometimes, it works better to have an informal and friendly alternative ready to go.

That’s where good catch! comes in. It’s friendly and shows you’re happy to see someone spot an error.

Try using it to say thank you without saying it. The recipient will certainly appreciate it.

If you’re still stumped, the following email sample should help you:

Dear Apu,

Good catch! I would never have noticed that without your input. So, I’m really glad I sent it your way.

All the best,
Bethany Martian

5. I Appreciate You Pointing That Out

You can use I appreciate you pointing that out instead of thanks for catching that. It’s a great formal and direct alternative that shows you’re happy to receive feedback.

If you can receive feedback positively (even when someone corrects your mistake), you’re setting yourself up for success.

The recipient will respond positively to your appreciation. This could help to build a better connection with them in the future.

We also recommend reviewing this example:

Dear Cole,

I appreciate you pointing that out. Bear with me while I correct the error, and you can review my work again.

Scott Calvin

6. Thank You for Pointing This Out

You may also use thank you for pointing this out instead of thanks for catching that.

It’s a great way to politely accept criticism when someone provides you with feedback.

We recommend using it to thank a coworker. It’s best applied when you’re working on the same project as them, and they’ve noticed something you did wrong.

Generally, it’ll show that you’re open to suggestions from them. This helps your coworkers to see that you respect them enough to learn from them.

Here’s a great email example to show you how to use it:

Dear Thomas,

Thank you for pointing this out. I wasn’t aware I’d made such a big mistake, but I’ll work on correcting it immediately.

Best wishes,
Albert Russell

7. I’m Glad You Picked Up on That

Another great synonym to use to keep things formal and polite is I’m glad you picked up on that.

It works really well when emailing your boss. It shows that they’ve paid close attention to the work you handed them and noticed something wrong.

Try using it to show that you’re open to suggestions and corrections. Most of the time, your boss will be grateful that you’re so keen to learn from your mistakes.

After all, learning from your mistakes shows positive growth, which could lead to much better things in the workplace.

Feel free to refer to the following example if you’re still unsure:

Dear Miss Diamond,

I’m glad you picked up on that. I’ll let the team know, and we’ll do what we can to remedy the situation.

Darren Scofield

8. Thanks for Being So Vigilant

Finally, you can write thanks for being so vigilant. This is a great way to remain friendly and respectful when someone corrects a mistake you made.

You should try it when thanking an employee. It shows that you don’t have too much pride to avoid listening to them, and you’re willing to work on your mistakes if they spot them.

Check out this example as well if you want more information:

Dear Peter,

Thanks for being so vigilant and helping point out these mistakes for me. I’ll certainly work on fixing them moving forward.

Best wishes,
Pam Beads

Is It Correct to Say “Thanks for Catching That”?

Thanks for catching that is correct to write in most professional emails.

It’s a great way to be respectful when someone highlights your mistake. We recommend using it as a way to share your appreciation when you didn’t spot it yourself.

After all, most of the time, people call out a mistake because they don’t want you to make it. They want to check that you’ve seen it to ensure you deliver high-quality work.

Below is an email sample showing you how to use the phrase appreciatively:

Dear Harold,

Thanks for catching that typo. I wasn’t aware I had made it, but I’ll correct the document immediately.

All the best,
Suzie Bradford

Also, you can make things slightly more formal by writing thank you instead of thanks. When using thank you, you start to sound more professional and genuine, which recipients appreciate.

For example:

Dear Mr. Cynic,

Thank you for catching that error. I knew I could count on your keen attention to detail to help me here.

Best regards,
Dan Evans

George O'Connor