What Is Another Way to Say “Many Thanks”?

Are you trying to find the best way to share your gratitude as part of an email sign-off?

Perhaps you’re worried that many thanks is a bit informal or unprofessional.

Well, you’ve come to the right place to learn more about it.

This article will show you how to say many thanks in an email.

7 Alternative Ways to Say “Many Thanks”

Check out these 7 synonyms to learn more about what to say instead of many thanks:

  • Thank you very much
  • I really appreciate it
  • Thanks a lot
  • Much appreciated
  • I am grateful
  • Thank you kindly
  • I can’t thank you enough

1. Thank You Very Much

Another way to say many thanks at the end of an email is thank you very much.

You really can’t go wrong with this choice. It’s a versatile option that works well whether you’re trying to be formal or informal.

Therefore, you can include it at the end of an email regardless of the recipient.

For the most part, we recommend using it when writing to clients. After all, it keeps things very polite, which is a good way to build a strong relationship with clients.

So, check out this email sample to learn more about how to use it:

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

I appreciate you reaching out to discuss more about this.

I have attached a file that should explain what we’re trying to do next.

Thank you very much,
Jon Wells

2. I Really Appreciate It

A good professional email ending to include in your writing is I really appreciate it.

This is a fantastic choice that works best when contacting your boss.

Anytime you use appreciate rather than thank you means you’re trying to be as formal as possible.

Generally, it’s a useful way to let someone know you respect them and want to share your gratitude.

So, you can review the following email example to learn more:

Dear Ms. Jeffries,

I’m glad I could count on you to help me with this project.

I’ll let you know as soon as I’ve completed more, but for now, I’ll review your comments.

I really appreciate it,
Melissa Smart

3. Thanks a Lot

You can simplify things by writing thanks a lot. It’s useful when you know the recipient well.

It’s a bit more of a conversational choice. That’s why you need to know the person you’re speaking to quite well.

However, while it’s conversational, it still works in formal emails. Thus, you can use it when reaching out to coworkers.

Feel free to review the following email sample if you still need help:

Dear Paul,

This is a great idea, and I hope we’re able to implement it into the project.

I’ll run it by the rest of the team to get some more input.

Thanks a lot,
Jean Gray

4. Much Appreciated

Feel free to write much appreciated as another way to say many thanks.

This is a formal email sign-off that shows you appreciate the actions of the recipient.

It tends to work best when contacting a business partner. It’s usually quite a good choice because it shows that you’re happy to receive their help without getting too personal or friendly.

You should review this email example if you need help with it:

Dear Mr. Appleby,

I’m grateful that I can run this by you before we take it to the public.

Please let me know any thoughts you might have that could improve our proposal.

Much appreciated,
Sarah Willis

5. I Am Grateful

You can also simplify your email closer by writing I am grateful. This one works wonders when replacing many thanks in your writing.

Generally, you can use this when responding to someone’s direct actions.

If you’re truly grateful or appreciative for what they’ve done, this is a great way to highlight it.

It works best when thanking a coworker. After all, they might have done something that helped you with a project or win favor with your boss.

It’s polite and sincere. Therefore, you can’t go wrong with it in your writing.

Feel free to check out this email sample to learn more about how to use it:

Dear Maxine,

I had no idea you went to Mr. Adams and spoke about my idea.

It’s so nice to see that you did this for me, and I hope I can pay you back.

I am grateful,
Shaun Rogers

6. Thank You Kindly

You can always use thank you kindly when you’re grateful for someone’s actions. It’s an excellent professional way to say many thanks that helps you to sound genuine.

Including kindly after thank you is the key here.

It’s a great way to share genuine enthusiasm and gratitude. Most recipients will be overjoyed to receive an email with something like this in the closing message.

For instance, you can use it when reaching out to a customer. It shows you’re happy to work alongside them and answer any questions they might have.

So, you can review this example to learn more:

Dear Mr. Dunkirk,

I’m so glad you enjoyed your product.

I personally oversaw its launch, and it’s nice to see that it was worth my time.

Thank you kindly,
Jack Everstone

7. I Can’t Thank You Enough

You can also write I can’t thank you enough instead of many thanks. This is the last synonym we want to explain to you.

It’s friendly and conversational. However, that doesn’t mean it’s ineffective in an email.

In fact, it means quite the opposite.

You can use this when emailing an employee. It’s useful because it’ll boost their morale and show them you respect their ideas or support.

Generally, it’s a good way to build a better relationship with an employee. You should do this if you like them and want them to rely on you in the future.

Finally, you should review this email sample to learn how it works:

Dear Aimee,

This is a great idea. I always knew you were full of them.

I’ll pass it to the team to see whether they’re able to start working on it.

I can’t thank you enough,
Jonathan Bridge

Is It Correct to Say “Many Thanks”?

Many thanks is correct to say in professional contexts.

It’s correct English and shows that you’re truly grateful for someone. It’s almost always used as an email closing message, so you’ll often find it just before someone signs their name.

Also, it’s formal. Therefore, it’s best to use it in the workplace when you’d like to share positivity before closing an email.

Feel free to review this sample email to learn more about how to use it:

Dear Michael,

I appreciate all the effort you put into this project.

I’ll be sure to review your work and let you know if there’s anything we need to change.

Many thanks,
Scott Tetlow

Of course, many thanks is already useful as an email closer. However, you might want to add a more standardized email closer (such as kind regards) to really help your email stand out.

For instance:

Dear Mr. Scott,

I’m glad you took the time to review my work.

Your comments are appreciated, and I’ll do what I can to implement them now.

Many thanks and kind regards,
Sean Billing

George O'Connor