What Is Another Way to Say “Just Letting You Know”?

It’s important to communicate at work. But is it appropriate to say just letting you know in a professional email?

We’ll discuss the correctness of this phrase below.

In addition, we’ll show you how to say just letting you know professionally using 8 distinct alternative phrases.

8 Alternative Ways to Say “Just Letting You Know”

Below, you’ll find 8 other ways to say just letting you know in a work email:

  • I wanted to inform you
  • Just so you know
  • I wanted to bring to your attention
  • Please be advised
  • I wanted to let you know
  • Kindly note
  • For your information (FYI)
  • In case you haven’t heard

1. I Wanted to Inform You

I wanted to inform you is a good formal synonym for just letting you know that you can use in an email to a client.

The professional register of this phrase makes it a safe choice whether you are reaching out to a new client or someone you have worked for long term.

In short, it’s a good way to introduce information that you think the other person should heed.

Therefore, let’s see this phrase in an email sample:

Dear Ms. Swain,

I wanted to inform you of our recent shift to renewable materials.

Please see the brochure below for more details.

Loretta Thomson at [Company Name]

2. Just So You Know

You can use the more conversational alternative, just so you know, when you’re speaking to a colleague at work.

This phrase is appropriate regardless of the nature of your relationship with the other person, as it is fairly tonally neutral.

Moreover, you can generally do away with the formalities in your inter-office emails to coworkers.

Thus, just so you know is a good, concise way to keep your colleague in the loop.

See the example below:

Hi Indya,

Just so you know, I have shredded the documents left in room 4.

All the best,

3. I Wanted to Bring to Your Attention

When making a formal report to your boss, you can try the phrase I wanted to bring to your attention.

This phrase implies that the information you are sharing is fairly important. This would generally be the case if you are going straight to a superior to address it, after all!

Have a look at how we’ve used this alternative in a sample email:

Dear Charlayne,

I wanted to bring to your attention the recent spike in sales that we have noted over the first quarter.

It would appear that our marketing strategies have been successful.

Damaris Ward

4. Please be advised

You can use the phrase please be advised instead of just letting you know in a general announcement email to your employees or staff.

This phrase is a great way to formally issue pertinent information about anything taking place at the workplace that day.

You can also use it to alert your company members of any important changes taking place in respect of how your company operates.

For instance:

Dear All,

Please be advised that our flexi-time program will be officially implemented as of July 5th.

Brielle Winston

5. I Wanted to Let You Know

I wanted to let you know is a less formal synonym that you can use in an email to a colleague in your office.

You can use this phrase when you believe your coworker would be interested in certain information.

It’s great to show that you are looking out for your fellow’s best interest, especially if you are giving them a warning.

Check out the following email example:

Dear Chyler,

I wanted to let you know about the schedule change for this year’s gala.

They haven’t officially announced it yet, but it might impact your travel plans.

All the best,

6. Kindly Note

If you’re wondering how to say just letting you know politely, kindly note is the best option.

You can use this phrase to bring important information to the attention of a client or customer.

Sometimes, it’s essential to cover your bases by pointing out any relevant information in your communications with clients.

This is especially the case if you run a business!

Therefore, have a look at how you can use kindly note in an email sample:

Dear Miss Spampinato,

Thank you for your email.

Kindly note that our returns team is active on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, so we will only be able to process your request then.

Kind regards,
Abigail Burton

7. For Your Information (FYI)

You can use for your information, or its more informal acronym FYI, when you’re sharing information with a coworker that is not urgent or pertinent.

The phrase for your information implies that you are sharing some news just to keep the other person aware of something.

Thus, they don’t need to react in any way.

Let’s see the phrase for your information in a sample email:

Dear Niko,

I’ve left a list of potential freelancers on your desk for your information.

Kind regards,

Next, let’s see a more casual email using FYI:

Hi Tom,

FYI, several reporters are waiting outside the front gate.


8. In Case You Haven’t Heard

In case you haven’t heard is another way to say just letting you know when you are providing some work-related information to a coworker.

This phrase implies that you think the receiver is aware of what you’re telling them. However, you are reiterating it just in case.

This phrase is somewhat casual, but you can use it regardless of the nature of your relationship with your coworker.

We would suggest you choose a more formal alternative, however, if you are speaking to a client or superior.

Let’s see this phrase in our final email example:

Dear Miranda,

In case you haven’t heard, the afternoon meeting has been moved to Room 12.

Kind regards,

Is It Correct to Say “Just Letting You Know”?

The phrase just letting you know is perfectly correct, and you can use it to inform a colleague, client, or even your boss about information that may be useful to them.

Just letting you know is rather casual. Therefore, we wouldn’t recommend using it in formal email correspondence.

However, in quick, professional exchanges, this phrase is a good way to share information that is helpful but not overly pertinent.

Have a look at how you can use this phrase in a couple of email examples:

Dear Leiomy,

Just letting you know about the new trainee on our floor.

They’re in office 12 with Dyllon.

All the best,

You can also rephrase just letting you know with the variation just to let you know.

The latter phrase is more of an introductory clause, so you can use it in a sentence like so:

Dear Sandra,

Just to let you know, I have forwarded our exchange to Mason for the sake of transparency.

Kind regards,

Although just letting you know is a correct phrase, it may come across as too conversational for some work settings.

In addition, it’s rather standardized.

Therefore, it wouldn’t hurt to mix up your phrasing from time to time using one or more of the alternative phrases from our list.

Kahlan House