What Is Another Way to Say “Hi Everyone”?

All of us get stumped from time to time when trying to figure out how to start an email.

Hopefully, this article will help you break the ice!

Below, we’ll look at how to say Hi Everyone in an email using 10 alternative phrases.

After that, we’ll discuss the correctness of the phrase Hi Everyone, particularly in a professional setting.

10 Alternative Ways to Say “Hi Everyone”

Have a look at these 10 other ways to say Hi Everyone in a work email:

  • Dear All
  • Greetings Everyone
  • Dear Team
  • Hello All
  • Good Morning/Afternoon All
  • Dear Colleagues
  • Dear [Department Name]
  • To My Fellow [Job Title]
  • Hi Team
  • Good Day Everyone

1. Dear All

Dear All is the most appropriate alternative to Hi Everyone if you want to use a more formal and professional tone in your general announcement emails to the workplace at large.

The inclusion of “All” makes this phrase work particularly well, especially if your email is going out to multiple departments.

Moreover, replacing “Hi” with “Dear” adds some formality to this phrase.

Therefore, this alternative is great for general messages. However, it can also be used if the content of your email is slightly more serious.

Check out the email sample below to see what we mean:

Dear All,

Please note that the office will be closed on Friday afternoon to accommodate those attending the annual conference.

Ruby Patterson

2. Greetings Everyone

If you work in a more formal setting, you can try the polite and professional phrase, Greetings Everyone.

You can also use this phrase if you are a senior member of your workplace and what to exhibit your authority in your email communications.

For example:

Greetings Everyone,

I am pleased to announce that our firm has been nominated for the Carbon Neutrality Award.

We should all be very proud of this achievement, and I thank you for your continued help and support in our pursuits.

Gabrielle Eagle

3. Dear Team

Perhaps you’re sending an email only to your smaller team or department at work and don’t know what to say instead of Hi Everyone in these circumstances.

We would recommend the phrase Dear Team. It is polite and professional and will let your fellows know that this particular message is addressed to them exclusively.

This phrase works well if you’re a leader or manager of your team. However, you can also use it in a group email to your equals.

Consider the sample email below:

Dear Team,

I have had a word with the Marketing department, and our poster has been officially approved.

All the best,

4. Hello All

The phrase Hello All has a more lighthearted tone.

Therefore, you can use this alternative when you want to make a general announcement that is positive or neutral in nature.

Once again, the inclusion of “All” implies that this message will be sent out to your organization at large, making it suitable for a regular, informative email.

Let’s see an example that includes this phrase:

Hello All,

As a quick reminder, the neighboring office will be using Room 12 today until 4 pm.

All the best,

5. Good Morning/Afternoon All

If you’re looking for a polite email opening for a general announcement at work, it never hurts to simply go with Good Morning All or Good Afternoon All, depending on the time of day.

You can use this phrase if you are an employer or manager at your company or business and want to express good wishes to your staff or employees.

Have a look at the following email example:

Good Afternoon All,

Thank you for your contributions to the conference yesterday.

We have undoubtedly made a great impression on our shareholders.

All the best,
|Ayona Tan

6. Dear Colleagues

When addressing your coworkers in a group email, the safest option is to go with the slightly formal salutation, Dear Colleagues.

After all, if you are addressing multiple recipients, you may not know some of your receivers as well as others.

Thus, Dear Colleagues is the standard, tonally neutral way to greet your fellows, whether you know them well personally or not.

For instance:

Dear Colleagues,

I have attached a document listing some potential themes for this year’s gala below.

Please let me know your thoughts.

Kind regards,
Moira Rose

7. Dear [Department Name]

Dear [Department Name] works particularly well if the content of your email is only relevant to a certain subsection of your company.

This greeting will let the recipients know that you are addressing them specifically and making a request or announcement that relates to their specific skills or expertise.

This is essential, as your email may be misconstrued as a general announcement and ignored if you use a more general greeting like Hi Everyone.

Check out the sample email below:

Dear Graphic Design Team,

Please see the instructions for the upcoming brand redesign below.

Shane Jorden

8. To My Fellow [Job Title]

You can use the phrase To My Fellow [Job Title] when you are reaching out to members of your specific team or department.

As this phrase includes the word “Fellow,” it would only work when you are reaching out to your equals at work.

In other words, it would not be appropriate to include your manager or someone from outside of the group named in your salutation.

However, if you are working with your team on a particular project, this alternative has a friendly tone, and it is sure to maintain a strong rapport between you and your colleagues.

Therefore, let’s see it in an email example:

To My Fellow Editors,

I have a few suggestions for the assignment that I would like to discuss this afternoon.

Please see the memorandum attached below.

Kind regards,
Justine Pugh

9. Hi Team

You can use the phrase Hi Team when you are sending a more casual update to your work fellows.

This phrase has a friendly and casual tone. Therefore, it wouldn’t suit an office-wide announcement email that includes your superiors.

However, if you work in a small business or have a team of your own at your company, it’s generally okay to keep your emails a touch more personal.

For example:

Hi Team,

I’ve ordered a pasta lunch for the boardroom to celebrate our nomination.

Please help yourselves!


10. Good Day Everyone

Another way to say Hi Everyone in a professional email to your staff or employees is Good Day Everyone.

This alternative starts off your email on a positive note, which is ideal if you are a senior member of your team and want to keep morale as high as possible.

In short, this is a polite greeting and a safe choice for most kinds of announcement emails.

Have a look at the email sample below to see it in action:

Good Day Everyone,

Please be advised that we will be introducing a new trainee to the team tomorrow.

I am confident that you will make them feel welcome.

All the best,

Is It Correct to Say “Hi Everyone”?

It is perfectly correct to say Hi Everyone in an email to your team at work or even your company at large.

However, this phrase comes across as somewhat informal or business casual. Therefore, you will frequently see it employed in professional settings.

Hi Everyone works well if you work in a smaller organization but may not suit corporations of every size and type.

Nevertheless, let’s look at two email samples illustrating how you can use this phrase in a group work email:

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to issue a reminder about the meeting on Wednesday.


If you want to come across as slightly more formal in your office-wide email, you could replace “Hi” with “Hello,” like so:

Hello Everyone,

Room 8 will be closed for repairs until Thursday.

Apologies for any inconvenience.


Next, let’s look at the correct punctuation of the phrase Hi Everyone:

Capitalizing of “Everyone”

  • Correct: Hi Everyone,
  • Correct: Hi everyone,

As “Everyone” is a pronoun, as opposed to a proper noun, there’s no need to capitalize it in your email salutations.

However, some professionals choose to capitalize it since we are technically replacing all the names of the recipients with “Everyone.”

Therefore, whether or not you decide to is a stylistic choice.

Finally, let’s discuss a variation of the phrase Hi Everyone:

Variation: Everyone versus Everybody

  • Correct: Hi Everybody,
  • Correct: Hi Everyone,

“Everyone” and “Everybody” are direct synonyms and can generally be used interchangeably. However, “Everyone” tends to come across as a tad more formal.

Although Hi Everyone is a correct way to start an email, it is somewhat standardized and impersonal.

Moreover, it may not be suitable if you work in a more formal setting.

Thus, to mix up your phrasing, you can try one of the synonyms from our list.

Kahlan House