What Is Another Way to Say “Works for Me”?

Looking for synonyms for works for me? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say works for me.

  • That’s suitable for me
  • That fits my schedule
  • I can accommodate that
  • That’s agreeable to me
  • I’m fine with that
  • That’s acceptable
  • That suits me
  • I can work with that
  • That’s convenient for me
  • I’m okay with that
  • That aligns with my plans
  • That’s feasible for me
  • I have no objections
  • That’s compatible with my needs
  • I can make that work
  • That’s in line with my preferences
  • I can adapt to that
  • That’s a good fit for me
  • I’m comfortable with that
  • That’s amenable to me

Want to learn how to say works for me professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. That’s suitable for me

Used in a professional setting to express that a proposed plan or idea meets your requirements or preferences.
Example: “The Tuesday morning meeting schedule that’s suitable for me.”

2. That fits my schedule

Appropriate for indicating that a proposed time or date aligns with your availability.
Example: “A conference call at 3 PM fits my schedule.”

3. I can accommodate that

Used when you are willing to adjust or make room for a proposal or request.
Example: “Switching our meeting to Thursday, I can accommodate that.”

4. That’s agreeable to me

Suitable for showing approval or acceptance of a proposal or plan.
Example: “Moving the project deadline to next week is agreeable to me.”

5. I’m fine with that

A casual way to express agreement or acceptance in a professional context.
Example: “Using the new software for data analysis, I’m fine with that.”

6. That’s acceptable

Used to convey that a proposal or suggestion meets a minimum level of approval.
Example: “Presenting the quarterly report in this format is acceptable.”

7. That suits me

Appropriate for indicating that a plan or arrangement is convenient or to your liking.
Example: “Having the team lunch at the new restaurant suits me.”

8. I can work with that

Indicates flexibility and willingness to cooperate with a proposed plan or idea.
Example: “An initial budget of $5000 for the project, I can work with that.”

9. That’s convenient for me

Used when a proposed time, location, or arrangement is particularly well-suited to your circumstances.
Example: “The client meeting in downtown, that’s convenient for me.”

10. I’m okay with that

A casual phrase indicating acceptance or mild approval.
Example: “Starting the workshop at 10 AM, I’m okay with that.”

11. That aligns with my plans

Suitable for expressing that a proposal is consistent with your existing plans or intentions.
Example: “The strategic goals outlined for the next quarter align with my plans.”

12. That’s feasible for me

Used to indicate that a proposal is practical and possible for you to engage with.
Example: “Attending the training session next week is feasible for me.”

13. I have no objections

A formal way of expressing agreement or lack of opposition to a proposal.
Example: “Implementing the new policy as proposed, I have no objections.”

14. That’s compatible with my needs

Indicates that a proposal or plan meets your specific requirements or needs.
Example: “Using cloud-based storage for our data is compatible with my needs.”

15. I can make that work

Demonstrates a proactive approach and willingness to adjust in order to accommodate a proposal.
Example: “Adapting to the new workflow by next month, I can make that work.”

16. That’s in line with my preferences

Suitable for expressing that a proposal matches your personal preferences or tastes.
Example: “Conducting meetings in a more interactive format is in line with my preferences.”

17. I can adapt to that

Shows a willingness to change or adjust in response to a new proposal or situation.
Example: “Switching to the new project management software, I can adapt to that.”

18. That’s a good fit for me

Used to express that a proposal or situation is well-suited to your abilities, needs, or circumstances.
Example: “Taking on the role of lead coordinator in this project is a good fit for me.”

19. I’m comfortable with that

Indicates ease or comfort with a proposal, suggesting no significant concerns.
Example: “Using a more flexible work schedule, I’m comfortable with that.”

20. That’s amenable to me

A formal way to express willingness or agreement with a proposal.
Example: “Extending the deadline for the report submission is amenable to me.”

Linda Brown